
just rain in Boulder currently.
Just started snowing here.

Uzi, great job on your hatch. Sorry about your last little one. FWIW, the last two chicks that hatched (my one and only hatch) died. They just never seemed 'right'. One had a really distended belly and the other seemed underdeveloped. Keep those pictures coming!
Sad news: the little one that hatched this morning seems to be dying right now. I found it unresponsive under the EcoGlow about an hour ago & it's breathing has slowed almost to a stop now. Actually, I think it did just stop breathing as I was typing this. Did I do the wrong thing by moving it to the brooder with the other two? It's belly is kind of distended & a bit of umbilical cord is still attached. I'm just so sad that the little guy worked so hard to get out & only lived a handful of hours.

In our very first broody hatch we got a barred rock mix from my husbands favorite hen, it had that distended abdomen as well, and did not make it. My husband was quite sad, but there was nothing we could have done to help it.
Sad news: the little one that hatched this morning seems to be dying right now. I found it unresponsive under the EcoGlow about an hour ago & it's breathing has slowed almost to a stop now. Actually, I think it did just stop breathing as I was typing this. Did I do the wrong thing by moving it to the brooder with the other two? It's belly is kind of distended & a bit of umbilical cord is still attached. I'm just so sad that the little guy worked so hard to get out & only lived a handful of hours.

be happy he had a better life than the 4th egg
I came across this chart and thought I would share.

I have 10 cornish rock x that are 2.5 weeks old. I tried for 5 months last year to get rangers or cx, and couldn't.

But I could get the white bresse and ayam cemani... which are far more "rare" & expensive. I also processed our own drakes and roos last year and have to say that I am impressed with the white bresse. The ease of dressing it out, the fat and meat ratios, and he was 2 months younger than the other breeds I had processed.

I'm trying to go to 10-12 weeks on the broilers/cx I just got. They are on 23% protein chick starter UNMEDICATED non gmo organic gluten-free :)

I will move them to my other brooder box and get them outside mini chicken tractor style in a couple weeks, after I move them to their own brooder box when I can take them off heat & restrict their food. So they can maybe live to 12 weeks.

Uzi- sorry for your loss :(

Maggiemoo- sorry for your stress

A lady on the Facebook Colorado chicken board picked up 30 eggs to hatch for me for free :)

My bf said he fixed the janoel and I will candle tonight to see if any are viable and stick new eggs in.

And I FINALLY got my first duck egg from Trouble and duck eggs from my new ducks! Happy duck egg dance!!
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they are officially 'lost'. Poor things...I won't ever order chicks again after this.
I paid for 1 day Express Delivery and just found out they don't guarantee delivery of live animals with the 1 day express.
It's going to be another long day waiting, probably for a box of dead birds.
I know it is awful to have to wait but don't give up hope. I get 6-15 shipments of chicks every year and I have never had any get lost and never show up. I have had day old chicks delayed for 3 days and all have arrived fine.
Pure Ameraucana Hatching Eggs. Only 6 available. These are from private breeder stock, not hatchery birds. These were shipped to me from another BYC member and I don't have room in my incubator for all of them. Letting 6 go to the highest bidder, starting at $20. We're in Kiowa, but can meet in Parker or I-25/Lincoln. I just picked these up at the post office today, so these need to go in the incubator this week.

I know it is awful to have to wait but don't give up hope. I get 6-15 shipments of chicks every year and I have never had any get lost and never show up. I have had day old chicks delayed for 3 days and all have arrived fine.
The package finally arrived. All but one of the bantams are dead
They are the birds I really wanted and why I paid for Priority Express mail service.
The rest are fine.
Oh well...such is life....
That is a total bummer Uzi. You did still manage to get 3 to hatch and that is amazing. The 2 little ones you have are adorable and I am sure going to be full of attitude.

I am sorry they did not make it in good shape. What breeds did you order? Perhaps someone around here has some bantams of the same breeds you are looking for.

The snow today was a downer. I am not fond of the cold. Looking forward to getting the garden started and doing some landscaping around the coop and run. This weekend should be much nicer.

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