
I haven't called the hatchery. I don't think I can get money back for shipping. There seems to be no guarantee for Priority Express for live animals. Who knew?
I did file a complaint with the PO how poorly and insensitively the situation was handled.

I think I'll stick with local barnyard mixes.
Thanks for the great support everyone.
I think I will just get a refund and try to forget about the whole bantam thing. I have a bunch of chicks I need to get rid of now so I think I'll just focus on that.
Hope everyone has a great day. Perhaps Spring is on it's way?

Good plan to focus on what you have, maybe the bantam thing was not meant to be and you will discover something even better is in store.
Barnyard mixes tend to be more hardy and disease resistant, you may even decide to make your own breed, I believe there are enough ways in this world for everyone to have one of their very own.
I haven't called the hatchery. I don't think I can get money back for shipping. There seems to be no guarantee  for Priority Express for live animals. Who knew?
I did file a complaint with the PO how poorly and insensitively the situation was handled.

I think I'll stick with local barnyard mixes. 

Maggie, sorry for the loss of the chicks and the stress of dealing with the USPS! Are you the one with the Wheaton breeding pair? Or was that PC? Anyway, if you want to pick up some barnyard mixes to hatch let me know for free of course! If you are the one with the wheaton's maybe we could swap some hatching eggs.
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Have a hatching question for you all. After researching, how many of you follow alll the instructions for storing the hatching eggs until you set them. Mainly, my question is this, has anyone stored their hatching eggs in the fridge and then taken them out and brought them to room temp before putting in the bator? Now that it is warm, I don't have anywhere to store the eggs but in the fridge, figured that is better than room temp. Thoughts or suggestions? will be setting eggs either tomorrow or Sunday. 41 going in the bator, our cornish might be getting broody again, should I give her eggs and see how serious she is? I can give her a clutch in the small coop to set, lately she has been coming our for treats and staying out.

Oh also, what can you do for sunburns on the girls barebacks, besides a hen saddle?
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I would think storing hatching eggs in the fridge would kill the embryo, I have heard of some people hatching eggs from the grocery store, but their hatch rate was not very good. As long as the house temp doesn't get to 80 or above, you should be fine storing them in the house, maybe find a cooler corner.

I think any broody should be given the chance to sit on eggs!

Hmmm, on the sunburn, not much you can do, maybe keep them inside or put up a tarp in the area they like to hang out in. Have not heard of anyone using sunblock on their chicken!!!

All the best on our hatching!!!!!
I would think storing hatching eggs in the fridge would kill the embryo, I have heard of some people hatching eggs from the grocery store, but their hatch rate was not very good.  As long as the house temp doesn't get to 80 or above, you should be fine storing them in the house, maybe find a cooler corner.

I think any broody should be given the chance to sit on eggs!

Hmmm, on the sunburn, not much you can do, maybe keep them inside or put up a tarp in the area they like to hang out in.   Have not heard of anyone using sunblock on their chicken!!!  :p

All the best on our hatching!!!!!

I think you might be right about the embryo, I think I read that as well. When you said that it seemed to resonant with me. Of course, I want to give anyone who is broody a chance to hatch and raise.

I think I will have to buy some hen saddles as they free range so not really anyway to tarp the area, they have some shady spots to hang out. One Delaware's back is pretty red....

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