
Has anyone heard of the referendum that colorado just passed about chickens in the state? If you have over 50 birds then it costs $40.00 per bird to own them. And if you have under 50 birds then it cost $50.00 a bird to own them. They are calling it an excise tax because the government wants theri fair share. That is what i gather anyway. I think it is referendum april 1st

Has anyone heard of the referendum that colorado just passed about chickens in the state? If you have over 50 birds then it costs $40.00 per bird to own them. And if you have under 50 birds then it cost $50.00 a bird to own them. They are calling it an excise tax because the government wants theri fair share. That is what i gather anyway. I think it is referendum april 1st



Guess I'll hold off our hatch. ;)
So, a second chick had the same thing! Except it was one of the Swedish, and it was an even bigger piece. We got it out of his throat, packed up the chicks, and moved them to their brooder in the barn. If they hadn't of done this, they would have had another week inside.
We used a plastic tarp, like what you put down when you paint, to cover the bottom of the dog crate. They just got too curious, as chicks tend to do, but luckily we were prepared with their outdoor home.
I've alwasy said, "Chickens are pretty smart for being so dumb" was a dumb day. Now we have to readjust the brooder, so this doesn't happen again. Although, it'll start being much warmer very soon, and maybe we'll just brood in the barn from day 1. I just love how friendly they are when they've spent time with us.
Has anyone heard of the referendum that colorado just passed about chickens in the state? If you have over 50 birds then it costs $40.00 per bird to own them. And if you have under 50 birds then it cost $50.00 a bird to own them. They are calling it an excise tax because the government wants theri fair share. That is what i gather anyway. I think it is referendum april 1st

Hum!! That will cost me my new car.
Has anyone heard of the referendum that colorado just passed about chickens in the state? If you have over 50 birds then it costs $40.00 per bird to own them. And if you have under 50 birds then it cost $50.00 a bird to own them. They are calling it an excise tax because the government wants theri fair share. That is what i gather anyway. I think it is referendum april 1st


I wish I could share the video I got of my chicks trying to dust bathe on the blanket on my bed because it was so adorable. But it did get me thinking - should I have some dirt for them to roll in already?
Has anyone heard of the referendum that colorado just passed about chickens in the state? If you have over 50 birds then it costs $40.00 per bird to own them. And if you have under 50 birds then it cost $50.00 a bird to own them. They are calling it an excise tax because the government wants theri fair share. That is what i gather anyway. I think it is referendum april 1st


THAT'S IT! These chickens are going underground! Mustaches and old west suits for the ladies and some dog costumes for the bantams.
"No officer they are just my eccentric relatives from abroad."
"It's a big family."

Super cute chicks Uzi. I cannot believe it has already been a week.

Ash, WOW they are some little gettin into trouble kinda chicks. I never would have thought they would do that.
I wish I could share the video I got of my chicks trying to dust bathe on the blanket on my bed because it was so adorable. But it did get me thinking - should I have some dirt for them to roll in already?

They'll dust bathe in the shaving, like practice. But, when they're about two weeks, you can give them a little outside time, and they'll go to town in the dirt. I have a baby yard play gate, and give them half shade half sun, an hour of playtime does them wonders. You could also pull a plug of grass, with the dirt and roots and put that in their brooder. It's great for their little immune systems as well as something to play and chew on. I actually have zero grass, but get some big rooted weeds, and they love them.

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