
How did it turn out?
Well, I think we have one.? This was a strange hatch and I did not spend any time out there because my youngest was sick with a stomach flu that I thought was possibly appendicitis. He is fine (phew) and went to school yesterday but also the temps were very cold. So not quite sure on the whys except for the cold maybe. Two I know did not make it after hatch and they looked like perfect big healthy chicks. Maybe they just didn't stick with Mamma? Not sure? I have not cleaned out the nest yet but she left it yesterday afternoon sometime and I did not want to make the situation worse by bothering her. She was growly but not overly so this am when I gave her fresh food and water and I will clean the nest when the temps get warmer. So, still hoping for one at least.
There is just one tiny wee bit of a chick with the broody.
Very strange how some things go.... but at least she seems happy with her baby and she is VERY protective. I would be safer dealing with an eagle!
So, turns out he was just wedged to tight between the egg next to him. He slid right out, after I moved the other egg over. Now, we're dealing with a poor little one that hatched upside down and with his insides out, plus a bit of the final egg yolk out. We've managed to tie off the egg yolk and pushed his insides back in. Saying a prayer, kids are hoping he makes it. We're giving him a fighting chance, as he's been a trooper for the last 12 hours.
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