
Not sure how muddy your run is or if you are needing to fix it before the upcoming rain but........... I would take some muck boots in there and start by turning the dirt er mud over to loosen it and help it to drain some. I would also look at straw or hay to put on top of it so they have something cleaner to walk on. You could also perhaps if the water is deep in areas or it is just really soup like ......... take some pallets and to protect the feet of the birds screw some plywood to the top to lay in the run so they have a place to get out of the mud.

I turn the dirt in my run frequently to keep the smell away and they love digging in the freshly turned dirt.
I think the straw/hay would work well for the geese. (Leaning toward grass hay so it is softer on the feet)

Good ideas! I will try them. I let the birds free range during the day, and they are so fast to get out of the swamp. Poor birds. :(
Love the color array in there. You MUST keep us posted.

Danica- I would be super careful letting wild birds cross paths with yours. I had a Polish that picked up something from some pigeons that decided they liked my yard for a few weeks. She ended up dying. Only two symptoms; weight loss and seizures/spasms. It was the weirdest thing. She would walk backwards while rubbing her face into the ground. Poor gal couldn't even straighten up. She was the only one that caught whatever it was, she must have been more susceptible for some reason. I even took her to an avian vet and he was stumped.

Oh, that's so sad. That's what I'm afraid of... I have friends in Washington whose ducks mingled with the wild ducks, and the wild ducks ended up joining their flock! I'm just not sure how often they turn out good versus bad. :(
Hey everyone, just wanted to post once more. I still have the two indian runner drakes. If anyone would be interested in taking them. You can see the original post a few pages back. They now will come with a 50 lb bag of feed that I just bought. :) Thanks!
Since Danica brought up the subject of wild ducks spreading disease I've been worried about the H5N2 that's been going around this year. I'm not sure what to do in terms of added biosecurity other than not showing my chickens off to every visitor that comes to my house. This strain kills birds so fast that an entire flock can be dead in less than 2 days. Another concern is that the powers that be may declare some kind of emergency and start euthanizing backyard flocks as a precaution. (Gotta protect Big Ag). Hopefully this outbreak fades with warmer weather.
Since Danica brought up the subject of wild ducks spreading disease I've been worried about the H5N2 that's been going around this year. I'm not sure what to do in terms of added biosecurity other than not showing my chickens off to every visitor that comes to my house. This strain kills birds so fast that an entire flock can be dead in less than 2 days. Another concern is that the powers that be may declare some kind of emergency and start euthanizing backyard flocks as a precaution. (Gotta protect Big Ag). Hopefully this outbreak fades with warmer weather.

I am not sure what one can do except take measures to keep them out of the run and the chicken feed. My run is needing to be covered with bird netting to ensure they cannot get in since it is a chain link run.
It would really stink if they went all nuts and started an anti-backyard chicken movement by scaring people.
The avian flu can be spread to backyard flocks and ducks through other migratory birds. The avian flu is now in numerous states and has affected both the backyard poultry producers, commercial poultry producers, turkey producers and water fowl. I would be very leery of allowing your ducks near the ponds.
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So I worked 13 hours today and had to chicken check in the dark with a flashlight... My broody has proven a failure
She somehow escaped from the nest box by getting around the board I put up and then settled down in a different box because she either couldn't get back in or didn't want back in. Either way, I kicked her out and put her up on the roost and took all the eggs. Of the 6 she was supposed to be sitting on several had blood in them when I cracked them open, but no further development. A shame really, but makes my life a little easier...

On another note, my bees are here!!
I'll pick them up and instal them in the hives tomorrow (after I get home from work). Now, time for a shower and them hopefully some sleep. Only got an hour or so last night. I'm beat.
So I worked 13 hours today and had to chicken check in the dark with a flashlight... My broody has proven a failure :hit   She somehow escaped from the nest box by getting around the board I put up and then settled down in a different box because she either couldn't get back in or didn't want back in.  Either way, I kicked her out and put her up on the roost and took all the eggs.  Of the 6 she was supposed to be sitting on several had blood in them when I cracked them open, but no further development. A shame really, but makes my life a little easier...

On another note, my bees are here!! :weee   I'll pick them up and instal them in the hives tomorrow (after I get home from work). Now, time for a shower and them hopefully some sleep.  Only got an hour or so last night. I'm beat.

That's too bad, but be glad it happened way before you had more development, that's always sad.
Yay for bees though! Keep us updated how that goes, I'm really looking into beekeeping.

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