
I did a little work to the greenhouse this evening.  Cleaned out a corner, installed a cabinet and framed and built a wall portion against one of the brick walls.  We had enough room that I set up a 5x4 brooder 3.5 feet tall and moved the 3 silkies and 2 Toulouse goslings and moved them out there.  The goslings can be quite noisy when they want to be.  I will post a picture in a few minutes.  That gave them a lot more room to wander around and just be.  Is anyone interested in any goslings?  One is three weeks and the other is at one week.  My Toulouse goose is sitting on 15 more eggs at the moment.  These should hatch this week or this weekend.
glad to hear about the little chicks hatching and sorry about the puppy  attacking the little phoenix.  I haven't had something quite like that happen, but I did have a raccoon  get into my garage and kill 4 of my male quale last year. I definitely know how you feel.  Don't bet yourself  up about it. hat is the best advice I can give you.
The picture will be kind of dark, but definitely a lot more room.
We just had rain storm come through.  We have received.60 so far.  At least I didn't have to water the plats that I moved from he greenhouse last weekend.  I planted the swiss chard, broccoli and cauliflower Saturday. The onions and garlic have been outside for the past month and are getting quite large already 
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So are you guys paying attention to the Avian Flu outbreaks across the nation? Pretty scary stuff, Iowa declared a state of emergency yesterday. They think that AI could be in at least 1/4 of their laying hens in Iowa. They are preparing for 16.5 MILLION carcasses and no that is no typo! 16.5!! The price of eggs and chicken across the nation will increase, I am on a mission to not have to buy supermarket chickens soon!
Drizzled on an off most the night here, looks like more of the same for today, not complaining, as we need the moisture!

Yep, read that about AI in Iowa farms, and they have no idea how it is being brought into the buildings where these laying hens are housed???? Kinda strange as these chickens NEVER leave the building, so must be being brought in on the workers shoes or clothes. Did read that the US has around 60 million laying hens that provide eggs. Still 16 million chickens culled means a lot of eggs that will not be in the stores!!!! Very scary stuff!!

Nice you can use your green house as a brooder too!!!
Drizzled on an off most the night here, looks like more of the same for today, not complaining, as we need the moisture!

Yep, read that about AI in Iowa farms, and they have no idea how it is being brought into the buildings where these laying hens are housed????  Kinda strange as these chickens NEVER leave the building, so must be being brought in on the workers shoes or clothes.  Did read that the US has around 60 million laying hens that provide eggs.  Still 16 million chickens culled means a lot of eggs that will not be in the stores!!!!  Very scary stuff!!

Nice you can use your green house as a brooder too!!!

Drizzly and cold here, our run area is a muddy mess! I eventually want to put down a bunch of wood chips inthe run area.

I read about a turkey farm in Minnesota that was on lock down and the turkeys got infected. They were now wondering if it is spread through dirt and air. Not sure if that is still valid that was a couple weeks ago.

I will be moving the chicks out to the small coop in a little over a week. We will be doing a mama heating pad broody to keep them warm. I will post the link the the thread, but no need for a heat lamp ever again! Pretty cool stuff. Here is the link to the thread, it is a great idea!
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I'm kinda going cray cray with 4 broodies. 3 muscovy ducks and a white bresse pullet are all broody.

I actually just came into the house to get a marker to mark the dozen eggs I'm giving the bresse to sit on.
Cool idea on the broody heating pad!

Nice that you have some broody hens, lots of people looking for them this year. I had two go broody, but need them to keep laying.... hopefully they will be laying eggs again soon!
So are you guys paying attention to the Avian Flu outbreaks across the nation? Pretty scary stuff, Iowa declared a state of emergency yesterday. They think that AI could be in at least 1/4 of their laying hens in Iowa. They are preparing for 16.5 MILLION carcasses and no that is no typo! 16.5!! The price of eggs and chicken across the nation will increase, I am on a mission to not have to buy supermarket chickens soon!
Yes, it is very scary stuff. I used to let people come and look at my birds but stopped doing that this year.
Yes, it is very scary stuff.  I used to let people come and look at my birds but stopped doing that this year.

Yes someone on a different thread pointed out it is only 6% of the poultry in commercial facilities in the U.S. It is still an issue, if they think it can spread either by migratory birds or otherwise (like air) then is becomes even scarier. How many producers run the commercial poultry farms? My guess would be a handful, I can see the writing on the wall so to speak. Not trying to spread panick but people need to wake up if they think we don't already have an issue on our hands.
What are the symptoms of the avian bird flu??? Becuase maybe last year that's what I lost 20 birds to!!! And they were all 2 months old and they stopped eating, lost weight and died within 2 days and we think the pigeons that keep coming to the barn is the cause
I'm kinda going cray cray with 4 broodies. 3 muscovy ducks and a white bresse pullet are all broody.

I actually just came into the house to get a marker to mark the dozen eggs I'm giving the bresse to sit on.

I have two broodies now also. My tailess dominique and one of my silkie Americaunas. She is taking after her mom. Always boody. I do have some eggs in the incubator i can give them. They are from my olive egger. Nice and green.

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