
Welcome to the Colorado thread to the newbies!

We have about 3 inches on the ground, back into the 70's by Mid week, agh spring in the Rockies!

Well since I can't do much outside been working on my heating pad set up for the brooder. Here is my work in progress, I put it into the brooder last night. It was their first night without the heat lamp and also no light since no heat lamp. You have to buy a heating pad that doesn't automatically turn off after two hours.

I started with a tomatoe cage and made some cuts.

The original cut on the cage made my frame too big and too long. So I made more cuts and adjusted. I wrapped chicken wire around it for support as the chicks climb on it just like they would with a mom hen. I then went through all the wire and flattened any shar edges with a pair of pliers.


Here is the gang checking it out, typically you cover the top with straw as well. This were shots of my trial run.


After they all fell sleep napping on top, I transferred them into their warm cave. It was 92 in there and they all stayed for a bit. After that the three smallest in the flock stayed inside while the others were on top.

Last night they did great, by lights out they had all fallen asleep on top, so I turned off the lights and then transferred them into the cave. They stayed all night, some slept in front of the cave, but most slept in. They were quiet until morning and at morning light they were out of the cave and running around in their brooder. This set up is awesome, I decided to go with this set up after I got to thinking about the fact that the chicks never have a "night" per see when they are continually under the heat lamps. Think about it, if they were in the coop with mom they would be going through the night in the dark. Well I know that having that down time is extremely important for growth, rest and regeneration for people, why wouldn't this apply to chicks? In my mind it made totally sense and it affords me a way to rear the chicks more natural, as if they were with mom. This also will allow me to move them into the small coop without the use of a heat lamp, by next week. They will just be two weeks old on Wednesday.

Here is a shot of the small coop, which is where they will go next. There needs some work to it, I need to block of the nest boxes, take the roosts down and reinforce the hardware cloth over the windows. Once I can get that done then we be moving the littles out to the coop for their new brooder. I will post pictures when we move them.

Just wanted to share this information as I was asked about it, as well as I think this whole set up is pretty cool. Check out the thread
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I like that they get an actual night now. When and if I raise chicks in the future I may just have to do this. (If I don't have a good broody in my Brahmas)

The sun has peaked out now and I am hopeful for my lilacs. The iris I was so worried would be broken seen to have been sheltered a bit by the large eave on the house and by being on the south wall.


How did the intro go with the little one? Hoping they are getting along better today.

I hope everyone is having a good day.
[COLOR=800080]Happy Mothers Day![/COLOR] (Please don't smell the flowers they all smell like computer screen. LOL) We are all doing well even though we have snow too. I hope everyone is hanging in there. My Lilacs are smashed to the ground with snow and so are the petunias I planted a bit to early. I cannot eve bear to check on my Iris in the back yard. They were in full bloom with about 50 flower stalks. I am pretty sure one peach tree is a goner (It had suffered a bad break a couple years ago and shows no signs of leaves yet). Uzi, Them are some really cute chicks still. I had to say the crow made me :lau . Hoping everyone has a great day and enjoys some nicer weather in the upcoming week. Babs
It's the most hilarious noise I've ever heard an animal make, other than when my dog screams like a lady when he's startled. Of course, this morning, it was cracking like he was hitting puberty. I'm thinking I don't have long before it starts sounding like an actual crow now. :D Our lilac bushes were pretty much destroyed in the storm last night but it looks like the covers on the tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins & my tiny watermelon plant didn't blow over in the wind. Fingers crossed they survived! We ended up with drifts ankle to shin high on me (I'm short, so that's probably like 3in to a foot), but the sun is out & everythings melting already. Hope y'all have a good Mother's Day!
Haha roosters when they start to crow are quite funny!!
My chicken Stinky is 100% a girl but will make this crowing like noise to get my attention.
The weathers been bad here in the springs but I hear it's been worse in Calhan where my partner and I farm is. So hopefully not to much damage has been done as we are trying to get out there early June.
Poor Stinky although she has a nice big warm dog kennel in my room to sleep in I feel the weather has given here the blues as she was quite moody yesterday but is back to her happy self today as it looks like it might be a nice sunny day.
I'm looking to purchase breeder quality/show quality pullets, cockerels, hens and roosters in a assortment of colors and feather types for the following breeds!


Would prefer to buy local from people in Colorado. But will be willing to purchase from breeders out of state as long as shipping the birds is an option! No auctions! Please have a purchase price in mind before contacting me! Thanks!!
If you decide to add SQ Bantam Cochins let me know, I may have a breeding pair for sale in the next month or two.

Hello All!

My wife, son, and I just got 4 chickens this spring for our first time. Looking forward to the experience. So far we have used lots of the info found on this site. We live in Westminster, just south of the metro airport.

Our chicks are a Rhode Island Red currently 13 weeks, and 2 Blue Andolusian and a Barred Rock at 9 weeks
Nice breeds! Welcome!

Welcome to the Colorado thread to the newbies!

We have about 3 inches on the ground, back into the 70's by Mid week, agh spring in the Rockies!

Well since I can't do much outside been working on my heating pad set up for the brooder. Here is my work in progress, I put it into the brooder last night. It was their first night without the heat lamp and also no light since no heat lamp. You have to buy a heating pad that doesn't automatically turn off after two hours.

I started with a tomatoe cage and made some cuts.

The original cut on the cage made my frame too big and too long. So I made more cuts and adjusted. I wrapped chicken wire around it for support as the chicks climb on it just like they would with a mom hen. I then went through all the wire and flattened any shar edges with a pair of pliers.

Here is the gang checking it out, typically you cover the top with straw as well. This were shots of my trial run.

After they all fell sleep napping on top, I transferred them into their warm cave. It was 92 in there and they all stayed for a bit. After that the three smallest in the flock stayed inside while the others were on top.

Last night they did great, by lights out they had all fallen asleep on top, so I turned off the lights and then transferred them into the cave. They stayed all night, some slept in front of the cave, but most slept in. They were quiet until morning and at morning light they were out of the cave and running around in their brooder. This set up is awesome, I decided to go with this set up after I got to thinking about the fact that the chicks never have a "night" per see when they are continually under the heat lamps. Think about it, if they were in the coop with mom they would be going through the night in the dark. Well I know that having that down time is extremely important for growth, rest and regeneration for people, why wouldn't this apply to chicks? In my mind it made totally sense and it affords me a way to rear the chicks more natural, as if they were with mom. This also will allow me to move them into the small coop without the use of a heat lamp, by next week. They will just be two weeks old on Wednesday.

Here is a shot of the small coop, which is where they will go next. There needs some work to it, I need to block of the nest boxes, take the roosts down and reinforce the hardware cloth over the windows. Once I can get that done then we be moving the littles out to the coop for their new brooder. I will post pictures when we move them.

Just wanted to share this information as I was asked about it, as well as I think this whole set up is pretty cool. Check out the thread
Great info, and love your small coop set up!

Wonderful Colorado WX... Had to shovel a path in the snow to get to my girls. Already have about 6" in most parts of the yard. At least the forecast changes to 70s the rest of the week!

Its their first time seeing the snow. Last snow we had they were all still indoors.
We have around five inches on the ground, had thunder snow all afternoon. Must be Spring in the Rocky Mountains.
All this rain has revealed some deficiences in my nest boxes. They rarely leaked two years ago when I built the coop but I used thin maple paneling because it was free and now that paneling is warping and making huge gaps. I have to rebuild the whole nest box section with real 3/4" plywood when time and weather allows.
I have to lol a little. You got someone else's chick order and I am sure someone somewhere opened a box of turkeys and went "WHAT the heck are these????"
Leghorn males would be a bummer to get. Take forever to grow and then they are scrawny and mean as heck. Not good for table or flock.

I know it is sort of funny. But only sort of. They are definitely all white wing feathers coming in. I've never purchased white leghorns so I don't know if that is what they are or not. I surely hope they don't add extra chicks to my turkey order this week for warmth.
Blah. I am sick of the rain now. I never say that, but there it is...blah rain rain go away...

Yeah, I would be happier if I got my garden in before this rain too.I did get some kale and chard and shallots and leeks in...I was going to get the tomatoes in, but it is going to be too cold tomorrow night so I waited.

21hens, remind us what breed and age the birds you are selling are?

Megshen. What did the hatchery say about the shipment of mystery birds you got?

First they told me that they were extra "packing chicks" for warmth and that they were probably leghorn males. I told them that was great, only there was nothing else in the box for them to keep warm. Then they really apologized and said they would reship the turkeys this Thursday.

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