

Well I am posting this post with an extremely heavy heart. We got news that we will need to move, we are unsure yet of time frames. So we have spent the last couple days trying to figure out a plan for our flock, we realistically can't take all of them with us. We are working on a space to go to but we would need to downsize. So we will be selling most of our one year old layers.

Our breeds are as follows:

Barred Rock - 4
Delaware - 5
Dark Cornish - 4 - one is broody and sitting on 8 eggs.
Easter Eggers - 3-5
Rhode Island Red - 2
Welsummer's - 1 maybe two

Buff Orphington Rooster.

All have been vaccinated for Marek's as chicks, we are asking $20 for each laying hen and the roo. Please PM me if you are interested, I wanted to offer to the Colorado Thread before I post in the general section.

Right now our plan is to keep a couple layers ( two EE and one Welsummer) and the chicks we just hatched, but that mighty change down the road.
Oh no!!! Hope you can re-establish your laying flock once you are settled! Is a good time of year to be selling laying hens though...... lots of people looking to add hens this time of year. There are tons of swaps this time of year too...... just a thought.
Originally Posted by COChix


Well I am posting this post with an extremely heavy heart. We got news that we will need to move, we are unsure yet of time frames. So we have spent the last couple days trying to figure out a plan for our flock, we realistically can't take all of them with us. We are working on a space to go to but we would need to downsize. So we will be selling most of our one year old layers.

Our breeds are as follows:

Barred Rock - 4
Delaware - 5
Dark Cornish - 4 - one is broody and sitting on 8 eggs.
Easter Eggers - 3-5
Rhode Island Red - 2
Welsummer's - 1 maybe two

Buff Orphington Rooster.

All have been vaccinated for Marek's as chicks, we are asking $20 for each laying hen and the roo. Please PM me if you are interested, I wanted to offer to the Colorado Thread before I post in the general section.

Right now our plan is to keep a couple layers ( two EE and one Welsummer) and the chicks we just hatched, but that mighty change down the road.


Sorry you have to sell some of your birds. I can't remember where you are located but wanted to mention that the Big R swap in Falcon is going on this Sunday. The prices you want for the birds is reasonable and you have some nice breeds so I don't think you will have too much of a problem selling the hens.

I plan on being at the swap and will have Orpington chicks, a few baby ducks, a few turkey poults, a Bourbon turkey pair, and whatever I decide I can part with.
So sorry COChix, I have been through the same thing. I hope you find good homes for everyone. :hugs
Whattt??? If I can be of any help warehousing some chickens, call.
Yes, our old timer landlord is a little crazy and now has decided we need to go. He is 86, we have been butting heads for a year. Thanks for the birds offer we are still trying to sort it out. We have some time to deal with starting to downsize.
I'm so sorry COchik the same thing happened to me exept I was working on a red Jungle Fowl project and everything went to ruin becuase we had to move from PA to CO and we had to move into an apartment for a few months until we found our house and I had to sell 20 birds for 40$ becuase the guy didn't want to pay 10 buck each and my parents made me sell them to him and I was devastated and they were year old hens like yours and I atleast got him up to 40 becuase he was only going to give me 1 dollar each but no and this was only 2 years ago but atleast now I have all the hens but now my parents said NO MORE
Oh no!!! Hope you can re-establish your laying flock once you are settled! Is a good time of year to be selling laying hens though...... lots of people looking to add hens this time of year. There are tons of swaps this time of year too...... just a thought.
Thanks and a good idea on the swaps. We figured it would be easier to sell our laying flock given the time of year. We kinda want to hang onto our chicks we hatched to see what they turn into.
[COLOR=333333]Originally Posted by COChix [/COLOR][COLOR=005CB1] [/COLOR][COLOR=333333] Hi, Well I am posting this post with an extremely heavy heart. We got news that we will need to move, we are unsure yet of time frames. So we have spent the last couple days trying to figure out a plan for our flock, we realistically can't take all of them with us. We are working on a space to go to but we would need to downsize. So we will be selling most of our one year old layers. Our breeds are as follows: Hens Barred Rock - 4 Delaware - 5 Dark Cornish - 4 - one is broody and sitting on 8 eggs. Easter Eggers - 3-5 Rhode Island Red - 2 Welsummer's - 1 maybe two Buff Orphington Rooster. All have been vaccinated for Marek's as chicks, we are asking $20 for each laying hen and the roo. Please PM me if you are interested, I wanted to offer to the Colorado Thread before I post in the general section. Right now our plan is to keep a couple layers ( two EE and one Welsummer) and the chicks we just hatched, but that mighty change down the road.[/COLOR] COChix Sorry you have to sell some of your birds. I can't remember where you are located but wanted to mention that the Big R swap in Falcon is going on this Sunday. The prices you want for the birds is reasonable and you have some nice breeds so I don't think you will have too much of a problem selling the hens. I plan on being at the swap and will have Orpington chicks, a few baby ducks, a few turkey poults, a Bourbon turkey pair, and whatever I decide I can part with.
Thanks, for the thoughts and ideas on swap. We are in North Boulder.
WOW Cochix what a bummer. I am sure you will find homes for them. There is also a swap in June at the TSC. Life sure can throw a curve ball.
So sorry @COChix about this distressing news. I've already PM'd you, so will wait to hear back from you on that.

Meanwhile, this is for everyone, I still have a big, beautiful Speckled Sussex 1-year-old hen that I would love to sell for $20. She's just too mean to my bantam Chocolate English Orpington, which I really want to keep/keep from harm. She does very well with my other 3 hens, and has taken on the rooster role of calling everyone into the coop around sunset. She's been "free-ranged" in my very small backyard, and she's not adventurous enough to go exploring on her own, so she'll stay in a fenced area without going over it. My fence is only about 40 inches high - chain link. She is strong and healthy, and was vaccinated against Marek's as a brand new hatchling.

Please PM me if you would like to have her.
So sorry to hear this news @COChix . It's always a rough deal when your trying to run a small farm on a rented property...
We do get attached to our animals
and it really sucks when we have to let them go.
As others stated, at least it's the right time of year to place adult birds. You should be able to find them new homes relatively quickly. Have you decided if you'll stay local, or will this be a chance to move elsewhere? Purchasing maybe or another rental? Either way, I sure hope it all works out for you.
Thanks to everyone about the warm wishes. We are unsure yet where we are going to land, but should know tomorrow. We will be staying in the front range area as both of our families are in this area. It is for the best based on what we have been dealing with. One example of this is over the winter he told us he wanted to move a friend onto our property in the front in a car and then he assumed we would be fine with letting this stranger have access to the bathroom and kitchen, etc. oh and the kicker he thought that we could dig her out if it snowed hard! Obviously that didn't happen, that is one instance of the kinds of things he had pulled.

On another note, we moved the babies, two weeks old, out of the house and brooder set up and moved them outside in the small coop.

Here is a shot of the flock looking at the babies, the flock ran the other way and were rather freaked out by the baby chicks. It was pretty funny to watch, especially when my BF held one of the chicks, the roo made warning sounds and everyone ran.




Here is the new brooder set up.




The flock was curious once the scary babies were secured in the small coop. They milled around for awhile listening and just sitting outside the coop.

Ok so their first night outside the littles did pretty good, they are use to going to bed when we turned the lights off for the night when they were in the house. So at dusk they were still running around and when I checked them at 9 half where in the cave and half were piled up on the side. I moved them all into the cave and there they stayed all night, this am they were active and waiting on food. I figured a couple of nights of helping them all make it in the cave and then I am sure they will figure it out. They are adjusting to the natural light and will learn at dusk to go into the cave. I am very please with this whole set up and feel like it is a much more natural way to raise the chicks.r
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I live in Gypsum, way too far from you to order your chicken feed. But I am interested in buying in bulk like you are. Would you mind sharing with me the place you are ordering from?
Thanks, Jackie

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