
Agree nice set up! I think being a newbie here is why you are having issues with posting pictures....... is only a guess though. You can send the Admins an email and ask them how to remedy it.

Hope you stay here on BYC even if you move!
Agggggghhhhhhhhhh, sorry sick of the rain! I know we need th moisture, blah, blah. I just would like to see a little sun on my Lilly white skin so I don't blond the natives in Mexico is a couple weeks.

Day 9 for broody Cornish sitting on 9 eggs, I found a broken one yesterday in the nest - if anyone is interested in grabbing a few baby chicks from her hatch, let me know. Of course they would be barn yard mix.
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Right there with you on being sick of the rain.
I stuffed the tomato plants in the ground even though it is soggy. I had a bag of potting mix that was in the shed so used that to replace the mud I dug out to make the holes. Looks like that is all I am going to be putting in the garden this year. Still have about 30 plants needing to get into the butterfly garden soon. I may have to buy some dry dirt to plant them in.

Cochix I am sure someone will snatch up on the offer of cute little chicks. I am overfull on hens right now or I would. Last night when I closed up the coop there was no room left on the roost in the littles area. They are getting so big. I am hoping to sell most of them at the upcoming swap in June. They are nearly as big as my big girls now. Luckily no one is fighting.

I am out of straw again. This rain just keeps hammering the chicken run into mucky soup. BLECH! I am glad I have compost bins for when we dry out and I can rake some of that out of there.
Right there with you on being sick of the rain.
I stuffed the tomato plants in the ground even though it is soggy. I had a bag of potting mix that was in the shed so used that to replace the mud I dug out to make the holes. Looks like that is all I am going to be putting in the garden this year. Still have about 30 plants needing to get into the butterfly garden soon. I may have to buy some dry dirt to plant them in.

Cochix I am sure someone will snatch up on the offer of cute little chicks. I am overfull on hens right now or I would. Last night when I closed up the coop there was no room left on the roost in the littles area. They are getting so big. I am hoping to sell most of them at the upcoming swap in June. They are nearly as big as my big girls now. Luckily no one is fighting.

I am out of straw again. This rain just keeps hammering the chicken run into mucky soup. BLECH! I am glad I have compost bins for when we dry out and I can rake some of that out of there.

We have a muddy mess here, the run is boggy, still can see the straw. Now around the run, the coop and their free range pens are all mud, can't even see the straw in those areas, let alone rake it!

When is the swap and where?
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Looks like England here, foggy, wet and cold! lol
I left my overhead plastic up because of the AI outbreaks this year, but it does not hold up well with the wet, wet snow we had this last week. Is drizzling today, so the run is fairly dry, but the outer edges are wet and boggy, chickens are keeping to the inside area, can's say I blame them!!! Thankfully the coops are dry! I was out, and about yesterday lots of people sound like seals, coughing, coughing..... guess there is a really bad cold going around, I felt sorry for them!

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