
My meaties are doing great this AM. I think that I will get them out to the coop today. No pasty butts and they are so quiet, I freaked out at 5AM because I didn't hear anything and so I had visions of "Cat Armageddon", but everyone was just snoozed out all comfy like.
Funny, I had something similar this am with our flock. I didn't hear the roo crowing this am as I lay in bed at 6:30. Normally I hear him announcing that I am late getting him outside, but today I didn't hear that. I got a little panicked as last night at dusk and doing bedtime rounds with the flock, I had a visit from a coon. A big coon again, so I had not so great images while I got dressed asap. I get outside and hear Rocco crowing but hear the babies chirping. Made me question if I had closed their coop up, I have been known to forget here and there. So as I get closer I see the littles in the run, apparently they pushed open their pop door enough that they squeezed into the run. The bad part about it is that two if the broody chicks made it out with the fifteen 6 weeks old and mama and one baby we're still in the coop. She was frantically calling them, so I gathered them up and gave them to mama. Will have to fix that door so that doesn't happen.
Looking for some white rock and dark Cornish (or maybe some other meat ish birds) around Montrose or salida. Any ideas ?
Funny, I had something similar this am with our flock. I didn't hear the roo crowing this am as I lay in bed at 6:30.
Remember those eggs I hatched in February from Percheronchick? I have two roosters from that hatch, and neither one crows...yet. They are 17 weeks old, should one of them be crowing by now?
Thanks very much for the kind words, everyone.

@maggiemo From what I've read here, they all seem to start at different ages. Memnoch started as soon as his comb started growing out a month ago (he's 2.5mos now). He started only in the mornings to wake me up & get him & Mercury outside. Now he & his dad have crowing contests. He hasn't figured out the sound just yet, but he's got the melody down.
Had a good find today. I did NOT go looking but a neighbor was having a yard sale and I actually bought something useful. (I think) I only spent 3 dollars for it.

She was selling her childhood doll house. It is made from 3/4 inch plywood and has rooms perfect size for nest boxes.
Of course there is some sprucing up to be done since after all when you buy a new home that is 25 years old it needs some work to make it right

Pics to follow......
uzisuzuki - So sorry about your dog. It is so hard to say goodbye to them.

Just wanted to mention the Big R swap in Falcon tomorrow. I am bringing chicks, ducklings, goslings, turkey poults, and guinea keets. I put a detailed list out of Craigslist and the Facebook group Colorado Poultry and Fowl for sale.
Thank you, @corancher.

I tried to keep myself busy by setting up a makeshift chicken photo booth this afternoon. I only got the chicks photographed & Sparta was the only one that kept getting washed out. I'll have to try again tomorrow. Hope tall are having a good weekend!











Great shots of your chicks! I am glad you took the time to do them.

I got 2 garden boxes built, lined, filled and planted. One is 39"x104" and the other is 32"x72". I am hoping the last 2 wheelbarrows of dirt can be used to get a couple pole bean plants going. With the chicks having a 6x8 section of the garden and me needing access to them as well as the 3 tomatoes I stuck in the ground I am about out of room until I get the chicks moved.

I think I can find a little space somewhere to have a few beans. I got 4 total tomato plants, 40 yellow onions, 4 cabbage, 3 peppers, 2 cucumber plants, swiss chard, and 2 kinds of radish in the ground now.
I feel like the raised beds will be a lot easier to tend and keep the weeds out of. The neighbor came by and saw all my raspberry plants. Now I need to dig a few starts out for him. It's all good they are in an undesired location so need to go anyway.

Hoping everyone has a good day and good weather for whatever is on the agenda.


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