
We got a swamp cooler last summer, it is awesome! Uses a lot less energy then AC, and cools so well. We got the slim profile MasterCool at Lowes, I have not regretted it one bit. Our house was an oven our first summer here.

I'm thinking we might need to get one for next year. When we looked at our house it was early April and still snowing, so i didn't even think to ask about one. We get here in June and started wondering where the ac is. In New Mexico we had a swamp cooler and in Kansas we had central air. The central air was so much nicer than the swamp cooler.
We had a swamp cooler in our base housing in New Mexico, and it was awful. I hated every day of summer. It works wonderfully here, I think because it's drier? We thought about doing AC, but don't plan on being in this house long enough to make it worth the expense.
We had a swamp cooler in our base housing in New Mexico, and it was awful. I hated every day of summer. It works wonderfully here, I think because it's drier? We thought about doing AC, but don't plan on being in this house long enough to make it worth the expense.

I know it's a pretty penny.our house already had it in actually broke earlier this summer and we about died. We all moved down to the basement it was so hot upstairs. I plan on never moving again so it might be something I'd consider. Although I think I'd rather get solar panels.
Something to be sure and find out about if you decide to get AC.....
My house was built in the early 1960's and I paid a LOT to get ac in here. Come to find out it does not function because the duct work is the wrong size to allow enough air movement. At least that is what several repair men have told me.
If I had known this at the time I was having it put in I would have done the duct work as well. I had the basement down to wall studs and the floor joists above. It would have been MUCH easier and cheaper to do when all that was torn out instead of investing in finishing it only to have to rip it out to fix the ac issue.
Loved the rain yesterday, really cooled things down. Our over night temps only got to around 50, even though the forecast said mid 40's. I am no cuke either, and we may be cooler this time of year, but we are we are also colder in the winter!

I grew trees in the yard which shaded the house when I lived out east. Most were Elms transplants from my moms yard, so they had a head start, but they grew really quickly. I had nice shade the yard in about four years, I swear they grew three to five feet a year, as I fertilized them well. I also planted some vines along the length of the house on the sunny side, they grew 20 feet in one year! This shaded all the window along that side of the house. The trees helped keep the heat off the roof too! Never had A/C, I would keep the windows open all night, then close them in the morning, and keep them and shades drawn til afternoon, it did get stuffy, but not until around 3pm.

Don't use the AC in the car either, not sure why......... Maybe it is the whole Freon (sp) thing, it depletes the ozone, or so I have heard!
I have a few bantam cockersls for sale....
Bottom picture is a very small Killdeer my daughter found caught in the weeds by the pond at dusk, she put it out the next morning, hopefully it found it momma!!! After reading up on them, they are ready to go after they hatch.

Uzi-I tried to send you a PM but I wasn't able to but I was the seller of the Sumatra. I am so happy she found a good home. Please feel free to send me a message here on BYC or my email [email protected]. I can tell you what I know about her.
I DM'd you (and also told you that already), but I wanted to post a picture of her since I realized I kinda just left my update on Day 2 with her. I've got a TBI so I'm kind of an airhead most of the time now. :) I don't do it intentionally, so I apologize for that.

I love her! She's integrated with my 3 youngest chicks, either because they were easier to hang with or because she thinks they're her babies. I haven't figured it out just yet. When I named her, she hadn't been guarding the babies of the flock yet, but it turned out to be the right name* for her. She lets me handle her a lot better than my eldest pullet, Mercury, currently does. She even tried to come to work with me this morning by hopping onto my shoulder every time I turned around. Having her around even got the 3 babies to finally come out of the coop and spend the majority of the day out in the pen with her and everyone else (once she got used to everything). I don't know what I was so worried about in the beginning! Newbie jitters, I guess. :)

They all have been keeping me busy, along with my dogs. They're a nice way to come down off the ledge that my day job leaves me on.

*I named her after the X-Men character Ava'Dara, codenamed Warbird. She's a character that is/was basically a protector/guardian figure for a child character in the comics. Ava'Dara comes from an alien race of bird humaniods and she basically has feathered hair that looks exactly like the Sumatra feathers. Good naming all around on there!
I DM'd you (and also told you that already), but I wanted to post a picture of her since I realized I kinda just left my update on Day 2 with her. I've got a TBI so I'm kind of an airhead most of the time now. :) I don't do it intentionally, so I apologize for that.

I love her! She's integrated with my 3 youngest chicks, either because they were easier to hang with or because she thinks they're her babies. I haven't figured it out just yet. When I named her, she hadn't been guarding the babies of the flock yet, but it turned out to be the right name* for her. She lets me handle her a lot better than my eldest pullet, Mercury, currently does. She even tried to come to work with me this morning by hopping onto my shoulder every time I turned around. Having her around even got the 3 babies to finally come out of the coop and spend the majority of the day out in the pen with her and everyone else (once she got used to everything). I don't know what I was so worried about in the beginning! Newbie jitters, I guess. :)

They all have been keeping me busy, along with my dogs. They're a nice way to come down off the ledge that my day job leaves me on.

*I named her after the X-Men character Ava'Dara, codenamed Warbird. She's a character that is/was basically a protector/guardian figure for a child character in the comics. Ava'Dara comes from an alien race of bird humaniods and she basically has feathered hair that looks exactly like the Sumatra feathers. Good naming all around on there!
I am so glad that she seems happy at your home and flock! Thanks so much for the great updates! I sent a response but it is coming from my email since for some reason I still can't respond to you via PM.
Anyone interested in a trio of Seramas? They're my sons 4-H birds but he's going to larger birds for next year. He's asking $70. Also my daughter has a free blue Silkie cockerel. Very cute and has been handled a lot so great for another 4Her. She ended up with two roos...

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