
I am pretty sure of what the answer is going to be but here goes anyway. Does anyone want a brahma and dominique roo. I have a couple extras. They will get processed with the meaties in a few weeks and i thought i would put it out there before hand.
Big R has only unvaccinated chicks. So, we have to order online. I'm looking around at the best shipping deals, and will let you guys know what I husbands chicken crazy response was, "I'm willing to order 15 for cheaper shipping" as if we need a dozen and a half eggs a day
Bummer they are not vaccinated! Mt Healthy has some advertised as an Early Bird Special, you have to order by September 1st, and they are .05 cents each, not sure how many you have to order. Was on their web site, and they don't have a lot to choose from, but do have some nice egg layer types.

I am pretty sure of what the answer is going to be but here goes anyway. Does anyone want a brahma and dominique roo. I have a couple extras. They will get processed with the meaties in a few weeks and i thought i would put it out there before hand.
Yep, I have given up on selling my extra roosters, we will eat them instead, and I will rest easy they had a humane end! No way would I even consider giving them away on CL. I had kittens years ago, and put an ad on CL advertising them as free. I was contacted by a rescue group, and she told me to charge a small fee for them, as there are those people looking for free kittens, and puppies that then use them to bait their fighting dogs or worse! So since then, I don't list any animal for free anywhere.
That is a bargain for sure on chicks from Mt Healthy. I went and had a look. They have a few breeds there that any other time would cost much more.

Almost all of my chicks this year came from them and I am not disappointed with the quality of the birds. I think they are close to breed standards.

Ok I am a little disappointed I went further into the pages at Mt Healthy and it looks like it is a 5 cent discount per chick if ordered between now and Feb 24. 2016.

Thinking that the specials at Ideal are better right now. Of course nothing is showing up today in the specials area. I do know they have not had comets in the specials area this summer that I have seen.
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Bummer they are not vaccinated!  Mt Healthy has some advertised as an Early Bird Special, you have to order by September 1st, and they are .05 cents each, not sure how many you have to order.  Was on their web site, and they don't have a lot to choose from, but do have some nice egg layer types.

Yep, I have given up on selling my extra roosters, we will eat them instead, and I will rest easy they had a humane end!  No way would I even consider giving them away on CL.  I had kittens years ago, and put an ad on CL advertising them as free.  I was contacted by a rescue group, and she told me to charge a small fee for them, as there are those people looking for free kittens, and puppies that then use them to bait their fighting dogs or worse!   So since then, I don't list any animal for free anywhere.

Agree not not placing them on craigslist. You never know what is going to happen to them. I believe i would rather process them than place them on craigslist. Putting them on here is fairly safe. Just figured i would give them a chance at a longer life here. If not then to freezer camp they go. Hi ho the dari-o. To freezer camp they go.
Big R has only unvaccinated chicks. So, we have to order online. I'm looking around at the best shipping deals, and will let you guys know what I husbands chicken crazy response was, "I'm willing to order 15 for cheaper shipping" as if we need a dozen and a half eggs a day
Big R had chicks this morning. Sorry didn't read other posts that they are unvaccinated :(
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That is a bargain for sure on chicks from Mt Healthy. I went and had a look. They have a few breeds there that any other time would cost much more.

Almost all of my chicks this year came from them and I am not disappointed with the quality of the birds. I think they are close to breed standards.

Ok I am a little disappointed I went further into the pages at Mt Healthy and it looks like it is a 5 cent discount per chick if ordered between now and Feb 24. 2016.

Thinking that the specials at Ideal are better right now. Of course nothing is showing up today in the specials area. I do know they have not had comets in the specials area this summer that I have seen.

I was looking at Ideal for Favorelles and sex-links, how's everyone like that hatchery?
Agree not not placing them on craigslist. You never know what is going to happen to them. I believe i would rather process them than place them on craigslist. Putting them on here is fairly safe. Just figured i would give them a chance at a longer life here. If not then to freezer camp they go. Hi ho the dari-o. To freezer camp they go.

Well good try, I keep trying as well no takers for Rocco and his sons, we ended up with 8 from our hatch. They will be heading to freezer camp as well probably within the month.
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I got my chicks from Buckley's Homestead Supply who in turn get theirs from Ideal, and I'm very happy. I originally had 6, 2 ea of Faverolles, Sussex, and Buff Orpingtons. I ended up with 1 rooster of each breed. I was able to re-home 2 of the roosters, but I kept the accidental Faverolles rooster as my flock guardian. I have no complaints and love my Faverolles and think they are very good looking, even if not show quality!

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