
Well Monday we got 11 layers moved into the City Coop in Englewood. We left Rocco and three layers in Boulder for now, until we have time to process. The move was uneventful and we didn't even sit in rush hour traffic, I guess the chicken gods approved. It was dusk when we arrived, we let our birds in the run and let them drink before roosting. There was some confusion as to where to go in this new spot. That was easily remedied with a solar light in the coop that comes on at dusk and allows everyone to see where to go. The flocks have all gotten along so far in this divided run and coop, except a standoff yesterday am between the two head hens from each flock. Also our young pullets have been desperate to get on the other side of the coop for laying and I had three of them successfully lay in nest box on the opposite side. No fights when the three pullets got into the other flocks side, just needed to lay some eggs is all. I have since closed the gaps in the poultry netting and we got 4 eggs yesterday from our youngsters. Nothing from our older hens, but figured they would stop for a bit with the move.

Spending time at sisters house for Thanksgiving, looking toward to the smoked turkey from their smoker. Yum

Hope everyone enjoys their family time.

Here are my BF mom's birds....Cleo the Easter Egger, Judy the Naked Neck and Speckles the light Brahma.



@21hens-incharge sorry for your loss of Grandma, she was so pretty. Glad you found out the issue and it wasn't just some random death.

@uzisuzuki Pretty picture of your peacock. Sorry I am a bit behind....
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@21hens-incharge sorry for your loss of Grandma, she was so pretty. Glad you found out the issue and it wasn't just some random death.

@uzisuzuki Pretty picture of your peacock. Sorry I am a bit behind....
Happy Thanksgiving to All of you and your Families.

CoChix, glad the move went well. Does your BF mom have roosters? I would love to try to hatch out some NN eggs in the spring...crazy I am thinking that already and I just got rid of the older flock.

Have a great day everyone.
OK, so it's snowing lightly, the temp is 23 degrees and looks like that's the highest it's going to get for the next several days. Predicted not to get above freezing till maybe Sunday... We'll see. Had to mix dry with the ff this morning to dry it out and make it so it wouldn't freeze. Funny watching the birds pick through looking for the little FF clumps. Ah well, they get hungry enough, I bet they'll eat.

Turkey is all stuffed and in the oven waiting to be turned on. Don't want to start it too early as it's only a small bird - 12 lbs or so. Almost time for the Thanksgiving football extravaganza to start. Perfect weather to be a couch potato today... Coupled with lots of "rich" food, I'm almost guaranteed to gain 5-10 (more) pounds
<---mixed emotions...
Hope y'all have a great day!
Just went and checked on the girls a little bit ago. Blinking cold out there. The humidity is reading high both inside and outside my coop. Not real happy about that. 15 outside and 22 inside the coop. The water was just beginning to freeze again.

I hope everyone out there fares well through the storm. The roads here have been icy all day. Stay safe y'all.
Just went and checked on the girls a little bit ago. Blinking cold out there. The humidity is reading high both inside and outside my coop. Not real happy about that. 15 outside and 22 inside the coop. The water was just beginning to freeze again.

I hope everyone out there fares well through the storm. The roads here have been icy all day. Stay safe y'all.

I know what you mean about the cold. This is our first winter keeping chickens and although I've scoured BYC for prep ideas I'm a little uneasy. Hoping the ladies are ok out there. Stay warm!
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As long as there's adequate ventilation without breezes/wind blowing directly on them, they should be just fine. The ventilation is to keep humidity as low as possible to prevent frostbite/frozen wattles/combs/toes.
It was 5 this morning when i got up and got ready for work. With the two enclosed runs, i didnt let anyone out. The only birds that would have come out would have been the geese anyway. The geese dont really care how cold it gets. They are designed for this weather. I have my kids taking out some fresh water to everyone, as the water is frozen. I will het the winter waterers out and get them going this evening. Got 4 eggs yesterday and the silkie i wasnt too sure was a hen, went broody. So i guess that answeres that question.
Turkey day was good. Fresh farm raised turkey from the neighbor. Parents came in from TN for the holiday. It was definately a family affair.
Hope everyone stays warm the next few days. Hunker down and have leftovers.

CoChix, glad the move went well. Does your BF mom have roosters? I would love to try to hatch out some NN eggs in the spring...crazy I am thinking that already and I just got rid of the older flock.

Have a great day everyone.

She does not have a fact the NN and Light Brahama will be processed when we process our roo and feather eaters, as they are three years old and not laying.

Hey the spring hatching bug is right around the corner. I for one am definitely interested in swapping hatching eggs or buying some. We will have plenty of space in Boulder for hatching and raising chicks. I would really like some BCM eggs besides that I need to make a wish list.

Turkey day was good not too much snow, the smoked turkey was delish.

@21hens-incharge on the humidity issues, I have been trying to research optimal humidity for the coop in winter. I have not found any straight answes. Some people say they don't worry until the humidity gets above 50%. Some don't like it above 25%, so I am curious what you all think about humidity levels? We are in a new coop, the side with 11 birds have ranged anywhere from 20-45 and on the other side with three birds it has ranged from 16-25%. I have felt OK with these ranges and the coop is all open air at the top. Just checked the hygrometers in the coop and both sides reading 18 degrees and 16% humidity.
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We have had an extra exciting Thanksgiving. First I would like to say, I am not super active on this thread but I am always learning from your posts and you are all there for me when I have some weird challenge - so one of the many things I am thankful for. Why our Thanksgiving weekend is so exciting is we have gotten 3 eggs from our July chicks. Seems like they are about 2 weeks early but I figure it;s so cold they were trying to stay warm and squeezing their little "butt cheeks" together and out popped an egg. Just kidding LOL! Just very exciting.

Hope all had a warm and fesitive (or quiet) Thanksgiving,
Belated best wishes to all for a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all had much to be thankful for!

I'm in Durango with my brother for the holiday. He bought a "Heritage" turkey - very little breast meat and big legs and thighs since we all prefer dark meat. But the bird cost him over $100!!! Do any of you raise or know a good source for these birds that won't cost such a lot?

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