
Well I got a new computer tower today. Lots of catching up on here. OH MY folks have been busy on here.

for all the newcomers. It is a great place to be!

One of my older leghorns is getting back to laying. I do not think I will tell DH since he told me a few weeks ago to get more chicks in the spring.

For the folks that remember I have a little leghorn that does not see well..... She is still hanging in there and is actually eating some pellets now. The FF keeps freezing to fast for her to get much in her so at least she is trying at the pellets. Her weight is still ok (leghorn so small is normal lol). She did gain a lot back while able to have the FF.

Thanks for the reminder that there will be broody hens very soon. Just when they are all getting back to laying of course.

I hope everyone had a good holiday and had an enjoyable New Years eve.

I cannot take the cold and snow much longer so have began planning the veggie gardens. Only about 4 months to go before anything can get planted.........
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Thank you for the warm welcome everyone:) I am dressing in layers including my coveralls lol. It's been a great holiday(s). First one in many years I got to see all my family over a period of weeks. The quality time type and was just so blessed! And tired now, but good tired. Last one left last night and is back home safely.

My dad is almost 80 and he stood over my bator about 45 minutes watching a Silkie hatch last week

I was hatching barnyard mixes and now have cut back to only Silkies, Americauna's and EEs.

A blind LH..........I think you just solved my issue with my CW..........going to check when it gets light outside. I'll do a mini eye test. She can't be that words from yesterday bringing her in when the others were snug and warm

Nice to meet everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is late... But welcome. I'm nearby in Falcon. You'll love this group. They've been so knowledgeable and helpful. We only began our journey in late January 2015 with 9 hens. Decided to add over 100 pullets in July. So, we have learned very quickly.

Hi KLBCOS. I drove to Falcon, Big R to pick up a pair of Silkies last year:) Pretty and peaceful drive on Elbert Rd
So I'm sitting here thinking I really want to make some breakfast, and speaking of food, I really have to feed the chickens first. Then I wonder why they should be fed when they aren't feeding me... Then I remember I re-filled all their water buckets yesterday and it dawns... I don't think I plugged in the heaters for 2 of them... Well, guess I better check that while I'm out there. Supposed to be up near 40 today, so not too big a deal, they would thaw regardless. Oh well, time to start moving... I want to be ensconced in my recliner by the start of the final week of the regular NFL season. Couple of games I'm interested in the outcome of.

Hope y'all enjoy the day. Sun is shining and it's supposed to be above freezing (at least down out of the mnts).
Hi KLBCOS. I drove to Falcon, Big R to pick up a pair of Silkies last year:) Pretty and peaceful drive on Elbert Rd
My daughter moved to Falcon area about 1.5 years. We all love it. I actually live about 5 miles into the trees of Black Forest. we now wish we had more land. 3 acres is just not enough :) we love homsteading and of course our chickens. Who knows she may end up farther out east some day. i bet silkies are fun to raise.
Greetings there @sonshine15! Glad you joined us! Seems you have quite a few breeds. Do you keep them all separate or as a flock?

Hi LS. I keep most together. They do pretty well. The toddlers and juniors have their own pen. I've actually sold several of the breeds I do have to cut back to a few. Yesterday my BEs went to a good home along with yet another AW lol. Slowly but surely rotating, Watching the egg count for ourselves and my egg customers:)

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