
Cold morning here at 6 degrees out.
Lost the old leghorn yesterday evening. It was an attack from the old wyandotte. Makes me mad at her but madder at myself for not separating them before it was to late. The old wyandotte has had an attitude issue her whole life.

I hope everyone has a good day.

Im sorry

I know we learn from mistakes but some are more painful than others. Only saying this because we are dealing with a huge issue that was my fault for leaving someone in charge that did not keep the pen dry around waterers as they said they did. Every day I asked if it was dry around watering areas. "yep" ..........well NOPE.not when I returned...............treating flock and watching like a hawk. Babies are going into the Oxine only treatment to protect the flock/lineage. I don't think babies are exposed (ones came in the mail) but am being totally paranoid about everything at the present...........will know soon enough if it's a simple cold the roo and one hen has or worse. Tylan on board with those two
Cold and foggy here... has been since last night. Trees have a nice winter ice coat which makes things rather pretty. No wind to speak of, so no broken limbs yet. Sorry you lost your old hen 21. Don't you just hate bullies? Sorry some folks are having issues with their birds. Mine are just what they are and have been, no real differences... Kudos to those who can keep building additional coops... I have 2 and that's plenty. No need or real desire for more coops or chickens. OK, maybe just one more coop. Would like to maybe make a hoop coop and get a few turkeys. Not gonna happen yet though as I plan to move this summer. Enjoy your day. Buy a lottery ticket and hope to become a billionaire on Wednesday evening.

Love the way you said, Ok maybe just one more coop. That's how I ended up with 4 of them ROFL
Hmm, up until this last snow my birds have been undaunted by the weather; they can and do leave their coops but are now making themselves scarce. It's funny, sonshine, that you should be thinking of sterilizing your coop right now. I say funny because just yesterday I had the very bright idea of ozonating a couple of my coops; this is a brand new idea, one I've not had before. Has anybody ever tried this? I know that motels ozonate their rooms after a guest leaves and that it is a very effective way of eliminating odors. Of course I can't try this until everybird can leave and stay out of the coop for a few hours, but it might be a thought to keep in mind for later. One of my friends nebulizes her pets for respiratory stuff.

I am sorry to learn that you and Uzi have agoraphobia? - but I am happy to learn I am not the only one who dislikes crowds. Being deaf is a little like PTSD in that it is profoundly isolating; most people don't understand and withhold their acceptance and approval. Animals don't mind, though, and neither do some people in some forums. Stay warm. What is oxine AH?

Ahhhhhhhh, you're so right about animals. I do totally love people too though.

As for the fogging, I've been reading till my eyes are about crossed lol. I love the reviews and all about the Oxine. I have a fogger I used in my home when we had a bad leak and etc. My thoughts are down to putting all the little two legged critters in large boxes and crates, spraying with a mister on open areas, fogging the wood areas and cracks........using a direct heat source, Mr Heater on a propane tank along with a fan to kill any moisture left and put critters back in. Two cool mist humidifiers running on the adults and will individually mist the babies.

New area and praying it all works well.
Cold morning here at 6 degrees out.
Lost the old leghorn yesterday evening. It was an attack from the old wyandotte. Makes me mad at her but madder at myself for not separating them before it was to late. The old wyandotte has had an attitude issue her whole life.

I hope everyone has a good day.

Oh, I am sorry your Wyandotte killed your leghorn. That is an awful way to lose a bird.
. I worked in an Assisted Living Facility for a long while, and many people there thought that behavioral changes came with age and that we should acknowledge that; my boss, however, said "Older and more so." And so what. Do you think your Wyandotte will find another hen to pick on? Sometimes I think that human nature is basically the same as chicken nature, not better and not any worse, just the same; when I watch my chickens, I can see aspects of myself that I would otherwise not be able to see - or would want to see - and I am reminded that, unlike a chicken, I can make choices. That's the good news; the bad news is that because I know that, I am no longer innocent. Whoever would have thought?! The ice on all the trees this morning looked like winter in Narnia - and it is starting to transform in its melting right before my eyes, drop by unseen drop. I gave my gallocidal rooster to a friend who ate him.
Thank you to everyone for the condolences on the old hen passing.

I think the wyandotte will be hard pressed to find another victim in that group. She was next to the bottom of the pecking order and I doubt the other leghorn who is top rung will tolerate her being a bully. The two BA in that lot can and have teamed up on her so that should keep her in check for now.
If I have to I will put her in the huge brooder in the workshop until she can be dealt with.
She is not on the favorites list as she is human aggressive. She is the one that will act like a rooster in trying to flog me if I turn my back on her.
I think the little leghorn was targeted since she could not see well.
I did see warning signs but did not expect she would actually kill anyone. From that I learned that I need to act on the warning signs now.

The snow and ice on the trees and shrubs was pretty this morning.
Ahhhhhhhh, you're so right about animals. I do totally love people too though.

As for the fogging, I've been reading till my eyes are about crossed lol. I love the reviews and all about the Oxine. I have a fogger I used in my home when we had a bad leak and etc. My thoughts are down to putting all the little two legged critters in large boxes and crates, spraying with a mister on open areas, fogging the wood areas and cracks........using a direct heat source, Mr Heater on a propane tank along with a fan to kill any moisture left and put critters back in. Two cool mist humidifiers running on the adults and will individually mist the babies.

New area and praying it all works well.

Yes, it is quite obvious you totalły love people. That is good, because we actually can't live isolated from them. (No man is an ..........)

Wow, you have quite a project going on there. I have a Mr. Heater on a propane tank - for emergencies - and I like it a lot. I think it can do a good job of drying things out. I have a suggestion for you that has worked for me and by which I swear: benzyalkonium chloride. This compound - or some variation of it - is used in hospitals and Dr..s' offices to sterilize surfaces and medical equipment. We used it in the old folks' home to mist and sterilize dining tables. It is a super-wetting agent which, when misted and dried, causes all the little germy buggers it contacts to implode. This is the active ingredient in the no-alcohol purifying hand-washes, and, if you look hard enough, you may be able to find "wipes" with it. I use a diluted spray of the 50% concentrate to kill and inhibit mold around my sink and other areas. It works. I use wipes to kill Candida outbreaks on myself. Some people, especially older folks, suffer from yeast infections, but I NEVER do - because this stuff stops it in its tracks. A tiny bit goes a long way, and too much can be dangerous. It should NOT be inhaled. I think it will kill mite and lice infestations, certainly everything microbial. It might destroy Clostridium bacteria - and their spores - and it can kill fungal infestations, possibly even toe nail fungi. I spray it on my cuts and wounds to prevent infection, and the only time I had one is when I didn't spray a torn cuticle; this stuff stopped the infection immediately when I finally sprayed it on. I think I had something like ringworm once, and it disappeared after a few sprayings with this. I use it on cuts on my animals, too. Hands down, this is the best stuff I have ever used. It's odorless and non-toxic when dry, and although the concentrate is pricey, the dilution at which it is used makes it very economical; to my knowledge it is stable and doesn't break down, so it will last a long time. I would have no problem with putting some concentrate in an atomizer and fogging the coop with it. You might want to Google it; although much of what I've written represents off-label use, it might be worth your while. i got a degree - and worked for 14 years - in Medical Technology, and you should consider this an "informed" recommendation, not just casual and anecdotal. And of course it is FWIW. Bottom line is I wish you SUCCESS in getting your coop issues resolved. Blessings
Oh, I am sorry your Wyandotte killed your leghorn. That is an awful way to lose a bird.
. I worked in an Assisted Living Facility for a long while, and many people there thought that behavioral changes came with age and that we should acknowledge that; my boss, however, said "Older and more so." And so what. Do you think your Wyandotte will find another hen to pick on? Sometimes I think that human nature is basically the same as chicken nature, not better and not any worse, just the same; when I watch my chickens, I can see aspects of myself that I would otherwise not be able to see - or would want to see - and I am reminded that, unlike a chicken, I can make choices. That's the good news; the bad news is that because I know that, I am no longer innocent. Whoever would have thought?! The ice on all the trees this morning looked like winter in Narnia - and it is starting to transform in its melting right before my eyes, drop by unseen drop. I gave my gallocidal rooster to a friend who ate him.

Wow, well said regarding us having choices. :)
Yes, it is quite obvious you totalły love people. That is good, because we actually can't live isolated from them. (No man is an ..........)

Wow, you have quite a project going on there. I have a Mr. Heater on a propane tank - for emergencies - and I like it a lot. I think it can do a good job of drying things out. I have a suggestion for you that has worked for me and by which I swear: benzyalkonium chloride. This compound - or some variation of it - is used in hospitals and Dr..s' offices to sterilize surfaces and medical equipment. We used it in the old folks' home to mist and sterilize dining tables. It is a super-wetting agent which, when misted and dried, causes all the little germy buggers it contacts to implode. This is the active ingredient in the no-alcohol purifying hand-washes, and, if you look hard enough, you may be able to find "wipes" with it. I use a diluted spray of the 50% concentrate to kill and inhibit mold around my sink and other areas. It works. I use wipes to kill Candida outbreaks on myself. Some people, especially older folks, suffer from yeast infections, but I NEVER do - because this stuff stops it in its tracks. A tiny bit goes a long way, and too much can be dangerous. It should NOT be inhaled. I think it will kill mite and lice infestations, certainly everything microbial. It might destroy Clostridium bacteria - and their spores - and it can kill fungal infestations, possibly even toe nail fungi. I spray it on my cuts and wounds to prevent infection, and the only time I had one is when I didn't spray a torn cuticle; this stuff stopped the infection immediately when I finally sprayed it on. I think I had something like ringworm once, and it disappeared after a few sprayings with this. I use it on cuts on my animals, too. Hands down, this is the best stuff I have ever used. It's odorless and non-toxic when dry, and although the concentrate is pricey, the dilution at which it is used makes it very economical; to my knowledge it is stable and doesn't break down, so it will last a long time. I would have no problem with putting some concentrate in an atomizer and fogging the coop with it. You might want to Google it; although much of what I've written represents off-label use, it might be worth your while. i got a degree - and worked for 14 years - in Medical Technology, and you should consider this an "informed" recommendation, not just casual and anecdotal. And of course it is FWIW. Bottom line is I wish you SUCCESS in getting your coop issues resolved. Blessings

That's great info!!! I will google it. Candida is just UHG! And so many diseases stem from it. Thank you so much and heading to do a search now:)
Gosh @sonshine15 you seem spread a little thin... you're located in "CO, TX, NM, AZ"? Maybe just a travelin' sort? Thanks for the heads up on benzyalkonium chloride.
I am spread a little thin LOL. I used to drive trucks in TX and NM. Long distance relationship in CO. Now in CO and always running to all the other states to help ill family great if I have reliable chicken sitters :)

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