
That's great info!!! I will google it. Candida is just UHG! And so many diseases stem from it. Thank you so much and heading to do a search now:) :hugs

Sonshine, I googled Oxine a few moments ago. It looks VERY good on paper, and I am going to try to order some today. Sounds as though it works for many of the conditions for which I use the BZK - and more. From Googling, I can see that it has been favorably cited on BYC in the past, and I am so grateful that you have brought it to the attention of subscribers to the Colorado thread, especially me.

I read that one of its uses may be to reduce the slime layer in water containers; this benefit alone would be worth its purchase as I use large waterers that get VERY slimey by the time they are emptied. (And of course these are rather too big to empty BEFORE they are consumed.). I hope I don't have to use it for any of the pathological conditions it treats, but there are so many other alffirmed health promoting benefits to using it, I would consider myself foolish for not trying it.

Many thanks
Sonshine, I googled Oxine a few moments ago. It looks VERY good on paper, and I am going to try to order some today. Sounds as though it works for many of the conditions for which I use the BZK - and more. From Googling, I can see that it has been favorably cited on BYC in the past, and I am so grateful that you have brought it to the attention of subscribers to the Colorado thread, especially me.

I read that one of its uses may be to reduce the slime layer in water containers; this benefit alone would be worth its purchase as I use large waterers that get VERY slimey by the time they are emptied. (And of course these are rather too big to empty BEFORE they are consumed.). I hope I don't have to use it for any of the pathological conditions it treats, but there are so many other alffirmed health promoting benefits to using it, I would consider myself foolish for not trying it.

Many thanks

You're very welcome csilkies:) I have been pouring over the info for days on end. Mold is an issue that terrifies me and I used to think "oh it's just a little mold............" Ha! When it almost kills you and then you battle to rid that and candida from your body, you don't forget these things. It does sound like a welcomed help in pre and during. Still am planning on misting the babies. The thought of having free range chickens with antibiotics is not something I want to get into. Even if they turn into "dinner" later, I'm sure they wont have as much garbage as the stores do............but I want totally free everything in them.

One article said it may be best not to use ACV with it due to possibly activating it. Looking that one over with a fine tooth comb also. My coops are so clean as it is............just gets to me. There was a short period they weren't cleaned properly and wow talk about paying a high price.......hoping I get my shipment in early:)

I think I'm going to have to cull my Americauna roo:( He's not responding to the tylan..........will keep him apart still and try something else if there's no response by day 5.

The Oxine will also be used in my house. When I look at what I payed for a little bottle of anti mold fogging solution it ticks me off. This can be used easily in the fogger and even in my air ducts. Something to think about:)

I did look up the BC and it would take as long to get it here also. Has good uses!!
@sonshine15: I ordered the oxine from Smith Poultry, a nice family owned business that I like. Ordering is a bit of a hassle, but service is pretty quick. There is a lot of information on their site. We shall see. I am wondering how oxine wipes out the nasties but not the goodies?

Your coop sounds like a Project, possibly even a labor of love. I wish you the ultimate in excess success. Take care
Thank you and happy to hear you ordered some also:) We'll have to compare notes. I ordered a second batch from Animal Revival Health (first one from Amazon, then realized I would be using it in a couple large areas over time) the first one hopefully will arrive early....................crossing fingers. Occasionally Amazon is early.............

Umm Houston we have lift off. Yea ha, we got a brown egg the other day after I feed the flock some raw coconut oil and they have had two weeks of fermented feed. Then yesterday we had 4 eggs, two blue, one darker brown and one cream. Maybe things are picking up now.....

This is not a picture of the four eggs from yesterday, just a pick of the brown egg among our greenish/blue eggs. Funny this winter more of our Blue egg layers kept laying whereas the brown layers stopped. Haven't had a brown egg since Nov.
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Jeeze guys... Can you spare a little of whatever your using to get eggs? I haven't had any egg money for 2 months! My clients may have forgotten me by now
Sure would be nice to be back to selling 3-5 flats a week! The guy who used to buy my eggs for hatching had one of his kids call me a few days ago asking if I had any "eating" eggs for sale. Yeah... he wanted them for eating... Anyway, had to tell him no.
Umm Houston we have lift off. Yea ha, we got a brown egg the other day after I feed the flock some raw coconut oil and they have had two weeks of fermented feed. Then yesterday we had 4 eggs, two blue, one darker brown and one cream. Maybe things are picking up now.....

This is not a picture of the four eggs from yesterday, just a pick of the brown egg among our greenish/blue eggs. Funny this winter more of our Blue egg layers kept laying whereas the brown layers stopped. Haven't had a brown egg since Nov.
So far we only had a couple of the 2 1/2 year olds slow down for a soft molt. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eggs and pretty ones!!!

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