
Jeeze guys... Can you spare a little of whatever your using to get eggs? I haven't had any egg money for 2 months! My clients may have forgotten me by now
Sure would be nice to be back to selling 3-5 flats a week! The guy who used to buy my eggs for hatching had one of his kids call me a few days ago asking if I had any "eating" eggs for sale. Yeah... he wanted them for eating... Anyway, had to tell him no.
@LS..........I read upping their protein some helps. I did an 18 (mixed 20% with 16%) for over a month, then cut back around 6 weeks due to the birds looking fat.........I don't have a clue if that helped just read up on some ways to keep it up. They have Oyster shell openly available and ACV in the waters up till this last incident.

Update on Oxine. I'm misting the sneezers in a pet carrier and leaving a few humidifiers on a few times a day ESPECIALLY while working in their area. We have our closed part of the coop at the end of a 60X40 shop so dusting has always been a part of cleaning (leaf blower with fans running outward) Yesterday the sneezing and wet bearded roo only had one sneeze vs back to back. I put the stuff in their waterers also minus the ACV

MUCH work left to do. Still have filled 11 bags of shavings and such with more to go. Misting as I go. What a time to pick the DLM :( After this incident we are spraying shoes, clothing, house, pets, you name it and I pray this never happens again. Hopefully will be done by tomorrow evening on the sanitizing...............have to put all the birds in boxes in my car or house due to the colder weather while hubby helps me use the activated Oxine throughout the shop, outside on the coop and yes, around the path through the snow lol. No chances.

I still don't know what caused all this I just know treating a few adult birds that were serious with tylan for a few days didn't seem to do as much as the day after I used the full oxine on all of them.

I'm wiped out and have not touched my house with the exception of 2 baby silkies born last night, soon to join the 3 other babies tucked safely away in the bator room...........all babies and eggs (I ordered) in the bator were washed pre setting and even have oxine in the bator water reservoir.

I need a maid and am stuck with me

Have an awesome day everyone

Yesterday's eggs, three brown tones and two blue/green. I think the dry spell is over now....I will be curious to see if our older girls pick up soon. Little One, on of our 18 month old girls is the one that has continued to steady lay through the winter and after the move. Haven't had a Welsummer egg in months!

Also picked this up as well as we had a sick bird the other day wheezing. Thought she wasn't going to make it through the night. Brought her in the house as it was cold, she was shivering and had an empty crop. Tried dosing her with some Epsom salts and left her in a box. The next day she was fine, like nothing was wrong. It was one of my boyfriend mom's birds. So we will be treating with this, all natural remedy. Made with essential oils, can be given internally or externally and can even be vaporized into the coop while they sleep. This is for respitory health anyone used it before? I am thinking I would like to vaporize the coop one night....

So we will be treating with this, all natural remedy. Made with essential oils, can be given internally or externally and can even be vaporized into the coop while they sleep. This is for respitory health anyone used it before? I am thinking I would like to vaporize the coop one night....
I use Vetrx. I rub it on their beaks around their nares three or four times a year. I had a respiratory problem a few years ago when I first got chickens and I used Vetrx and everyone got better and no one died. So, I guess I use it as a preventative, or habit, or superstition.
After struggling with no eggs last year I was determined to have some this winter. I was having little luck this year even with the young hens. I was feeding fermented layer that was already an 18% feed. I changed them back to a 16% also due to the hens looking well FAT. My SS were the heaviest next to the Brahma. They are prone to being fat so I dropped the feed back. I also have been adding light to the coop for the last month. It was about 2 weeks after switching the feed back to 16% and using the added lighting that things took off nearly overnight. I got the usual one to 3 eggs then BAM 5 then 6 then 7 then 9 then 7 then the 11 and then yesterdays 12. I have not looked today yet.
I turn the overhead single bulb fixture on at 4:30 am and off at 5:30 pm. I think it has helped get them going again.

Mostly I am hoping for spring to be favorable for the garden right now. Giant plans for what to grow this year.

HEY if anyone is playing the lotto ...... May luck be on your side! (or mine

Went out and gathered eggs. Today was 11 so trend is holding here.
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I use Vetrx. I rub it on their beaks around their nares three or four times a year. I had a respiratory problem a few years ago when I first got chickens and I used Vetrx and everyone got better and no one died. So, I guess I use it as a preventative, or habit, or superstition. 

Great, thanks for the feedback! Maybe I will start by dabbing them, needt to get a vaporizer.

@21hens-incharge nice job on the eggs.
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Just curious... If the outside temp is below freezing, would it be a good idea to run a nebulizer/vaporizer inside the coop overnight? I mean wouldn't that be counter productive and cause frostbite issues as well?
That's funny. I have had brown eggs and I am just starting to get blue eggs.
My blue egg layers have never been great layers either.

Just curious... If the outside temp is below freezing, would it be a good idea to run a nebulizer/vaporizer inside the coop overnight? I mean wouldn't that be counter productive and cause frostbite issues as well?
Seems logical....
Just curious... If the outside temp is below freezing, would it be a good idea to run a nebulizer/vaporizer inside the coop overnight? I mean wouldn't that be counter productive and cause frostbite issues as well?

Good point, haven't got a vaporizer to use anyway. Need to do a bit more research on that. Gonna start by putting under everyone's wings.
Good point, haven't got a vaporizer to use anyway. Need to do a bit more research on that. Gonna start by putting under everyone's wings.
I used VetRX when Odysseus had allergies from being in our barn (little dude is sensitive to dust). I would just put it on his beak/nares and under his wings and it helped keep him cleared up. It kinda reminds me of Vicks Vapor rub that you can put in their drinking water - which I did after I found out everyone caught MG and there have been no symptoms so far this winter.

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