
Financial logistics & "governing" chicken raising..... ummmmmm... Hmmmmmm.... yeah.... Nope, try as I might, put in the same sentence, none of that has a snowballs' chance in heII of making any sense to me!
Yeah, when the time comes, I'll (try to) start with good quality breeder's birds rather than hatchery. I'm not paying big bucks for them though. They won't be for show. Then I'll get a mixed bag of "yard" birds for my viewing pleasure, eating pleasure, eating egg production/sales, and bug/weed control.

Thankfully my next door neighbor, the only one really close enough to have to deal with the noises, owned chickens in the past and wears hearing aids when awake. His wife wears ear plugs when she sleeps. So they have no problem with my roosters or the barking LGD during the night
I got really lucky there. In the 2 years+ that I've lived here, I now have multiple neighbors who have roosters and I hear them crowing just as much as mine do, so I no longer sweat that at all. In addition, several have gotten turkeys as well so we now have those gobbles to listen to as well.
I actually enjoy it. I have a neighbor a couple down from me that owns a mule/donkey. Talk about loud... when it starts hee hawing and the other sounds it makes, it's LOUD! I laugh every time I hear it

Sorry to hear folks had damages from those winds yesterday and last night. It was really blowing here too. Luckily I haven't had to deal with any issues from it. I'm actually more concerned about the dead cottonwoods I have around the property and losing limbs or whole trees than my coops. My coops are pretty well built, heavy and "planted" in the ground.
OK, that's a little bit of BS jargon I learned from seminars I participated in YEARS ago. I didn't like the jargon then - and I like it even less reading it back in my own hand. Ugh, so sorry.

Oh, I've no doubt you'll do the right thing for you when it comes to sorting out the chickens, and I know you don't need a vote of confidence, but you've got mine anyway.

This fellow who is complaining about the crowing is an amateur shooter and wears ear plugs regularly. I suggested he wear the plugs at night, and he said there was no way he was going to do that. Truth is, he doesn't sleep at night and hasn't in a long while. He has a lot to worry about, and the roosters are just an excuse. I'll be reasonable, but I won't be bullied.

All those noises! I rarely hear ANYTHING without my pocket- talker; once in awhile I wear it outside and in the coops, and I am amazed at how vocal my birds are. The roosters I hear without HAs - when they are close - so I know they are loud. Abbie is not much of a barker, but when she is barking for my benefit, she is loud. I don't think there is a deaf person alive who would ever complain about a sound loud enough for her to hear. I have a couple of Silkie roosters who hang out in my crawlspace and have access to the basement and lower floor. (One is developmentally disadvantaged, and the other is to keep him company). When I am late getting up and they are getting hungry, they come right into my room and crow in my ear. Continuously. Gets me up fast. Lucky for me, they don't get up early, either. These are from a LateCrower strain.

The thing about crosses for ME is that it could get complicated reproducing them, and I would want to do that every year to keep replenishing my flock. As self sustenance becomes a more common goal, developing the right breed for any given situation seems a worthwhile project. But right now life seems to be intervening, if not taking over.
I wasn't making fun of the jargon... More the notion of finances and logistics having ANY bearing our our chicken obsession(s)... We WANT chickens, therefore, we HAVE chickens, and never enough to be sure, it seems! No need to apologize
I believe I took it in the manner you meant it. Since they aren't producing eggs for me (at least not enough at the moment) and I still have to feed and maintain them, I would be far better off financially if I ate every last one of them! and DIDN'T replace them! Then I wouldn't have to worry about logistics either. Hell, I spent probably close to 7-8 grand building coops and all the associated infrastructure just to have them. So far the ROI (return on investment) on chickens has equaled my ROI on the lottery! LOL
I wasn't making fun of the jargon... More the notion of finances and logistics having ANY bearing our our chicken obsession(s)... We WANT chickens, therefore, we HAVE chickens, and never enough to be sure, it seems! No need to apologize  :gig I believe I took it in the manner you meant it. Since they aren't producing eggs for me (at least not enough at the moment) and I still have to feed and maintain them, I would be far better off financially if I ate every last one of them! and DIDN'T replace them! Then I wouldn't have to worry about logistics either. Hell, I spent probably close to 7-8 grand building coops and all the associated infrastructure just to have them. So far the ROI (return on investment) on chickens has equaled my ROI on the lottery! LOL

I know, I was being facetious. But I really do hate jargon, and I am so good at it. Just beware.

At one time I wanted at least 100 chickens - or more - free ranging all over my two acres which aren't good for much else. Trouble is, my freerangers are basically bent on free ranging my front and back doorsteps, not all that fenced property I envisioned as theirs.

Yeah I'm thinking about eating the Roos. Oh, $7K - $8K, I can hardly bear to think it.
My father was a cost adjuster for the U.S. of A. Corps of Engineers, and he would literally do something nasty in his grave if he could hear this. Oh, I'm just being facetious again; if I want to spend my income on chickens, then that is what I'll do, no matter how illogical the outcome. It's so much not how I was raised, though, and I cannot help cringing. No fighting addiction, though. (Now my Mother is turning over in her grave). I am not very serious about all this, you know; it is simply that every now and then I get a twinge to cringe.
and I have to laugh at myself. And at whatever part of me made me think financial logistics could ever possibly relate to raising chickens. A good sense of humor helps here, as you know.

I just like having the birds running all over the place; they make me happy, and the eggs are simply icing on the cake. I gathered 16 eggs today and ate only four. Have not even visited my layer coop. Am freezing and giving extras back to the birds. maybe I should advertise. Business person I am not. All these young birds from last summer's hatch are getting serious about laying, and at least one of my Heritage is trying to sit eggs. I snatched 'em, am not ready for more chicks, have three Heritage pullets coming in April. Ha,ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

i have me egg puzzle, another hen started laying green eggs, and only suspect would be orloff over americana offspring... interesting...
A quick update, for those that remember me. I was in Texas, for work, for a little over a year. Oil crashed, the company kept taking from my paycheck, I came home. Bunch of whining from the homefront about taking care of "my chickens". Well this week DW is picking up her 15 new chicks. Sounds like I'm not the only chicken maniac in the household.
Welcome Home!

So the wife is a little obsessed as well LOL. What breeds is she bringing home?
Sorry the job tanked on you but glad you are back here.

It has been a busy time here for a lot of folks and chick season is upon us all! Be sure to post some pics of your gals and the new little ones too.

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