
Nice spring like day today. Filled up the kiddie pool for the geese that really apreciated it. They have now started to mate. Eggs must be on the way. I set 34 eggs for the neighbor. He has a lot if chicks sold that he needs to hatch, so i am giving him a hand. We will see what the fertility rate is. Earlier i had given him a couple of my larger roosters. I have one large rooster and two bantams left. That does make room for the maran rooster that i want to find for the olive eggers i want to hatch.
Welcome back camp leader.
She treats these girls better than I do. I make sure they have food and security, she sweeps snow away from the coop area, treats, scraps. She has even set up additional shade for them. They have trees a fenceline and a deck, but built more shade with a tarp. Then whines they she "has" to care for "my" birds. LOL She picked the breeds for the egg basket colors. Mind you they are "my" birds.
She must still be in denial about falling for them.

I picked the breeds I'm getting for egg color too. I want a really fun, colorful egg basket. I also picked the birds on looks too though so I have a pretty flock. I did make a change to when I'm getting chicks so I have a smaller chance of getting BLRW roos but it means I have to wait a whole month longer. April can't get here soon enough.
I laugh a bit Camp Leader. My hubby chose most of the birds that are here and always calls them the wifes chickens.
I only wanted Black Australorp. He chose the cute little striped ones that had poofy faces and the white ones with black spots. (EE and California whites)
I still wanted the BA so we went looking....... He chose Blue wyandotte, GLW, and more of the poofy faced ones. and so on and so on and so on.

Now there are 29 chickens after a few passed away and only 3 of those are Black Australorp.
I wonder what this year holds for us. Chicken math is real and can be a bit confusing.

Now I am starting to pull together materials for a greenhouse. Lets hope he does not suffer seed math like I do. (There are about 200 packets of veggie seeds around here already)
If you can save the picture to a file you can up load it from there I think. I have a file on my desktop I always stick all the pics into and am able to upload them from there using the icon above that looks like a square with mountains and a dot in the top left.

Not sure that helps but that is how I do it.

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