




Picked up a dozen hatching eggs from my neighbor @Percheron chick :frow. Saw her beautiful LSGD puppy Xena was a cutie! Also the old man Levi, what a great pair of farm dogs. Loved seeing the chickens running the property and good to see the three you got from our broody last year. :D
Having chicken neighbors is fun...:weee. :jumpy

Ok so look at those purdry eggs! Let me see if I can get right what breeds they are....

Welsummer, Brabanter, Olive Egger and Wheaten Amerecauna? Did I get that right PC?

Eggs got set in the turner last night, late....I pick up my 3 doz BBS Amerecauna eggs today and am hoping to set a full bator Friday night or Saturday. Let the :jumpy begin. Along with the floor pacing and the constantly checking the bator. Why do we do this again?
Lucky You Trish! The Amerecauna eggs I got from Percheron chick last year lay the most beautiful eggs of my flock. They laid almost all winter too. Are the Brabanter eggs you have mixed breed, do you know?
Wow, COCHix, those are definitely beautiful eggs. What are your plans for 48 chicks - if they all hatch?

Speaking of neighbors, the horse property to the west of me is up for sale - again. 'Twas bank owned at one time, a non-profit horse therapy business and horse boarding ranch. The log cabin style barn is said to be very nice; the place is empty and unoccupied- except for the chickens. Wouldn't you know?!
The chicks will all be EE or OE. My rooster is an araucana. The brabanters rival the leghorn for laying and feed efficiency with big personality. I would definitely recommend them if you need a white egg layer. I have one brabanter EE at POL so don't know egg color yet.
What a fantastic set of eggs! I am very curious what the ? egg turns out to be. I love surprises!

Looks like everyone is getting very busy with the hatching bug in full swing.

One thing that is a bulb that the bunnies may leave alone would be allium. It is in the onion family. Funny though I have tons of tulips, daffodil, allium and crocus popping up as well as some ground iris and the bunnies have not touched any yet....
Lucky You Trish! The [COLOR=333333]Amerecauna eggs I got from Percheron chick last year lay the most beautiful eggs of my flock. They laid almost all winter too. Are the Brabanter eggs you have mixed breed, do you know?[/COLOR]

Let see what PC said...

Wow, COCHix, those are definitely beautiful eggs. What are your plans for 48 chicks - if they all hatch?

Speaking of neighbors, the horse property to the west of me is up for sale - again. 'Twas bank owned at one time, a non-profit horse therapy business and horse boarding ranch. The log cabin style barn is said to be very nice; the place is empty and unoccupied- except for the chickens. Wouldn't you know?!

Well I am on the hunt for a black Amerecauna roo and some hens, the extra's will be sold.

What's the address of that property or do you have an ad? We always keep our eyes open, sounds interesting.

The chicks will all be EE or OE. My rooster is an araucana. The brabanters rival the leghorn for laying and feed efficiency with big personality. I would definitely recommend them if you need a white egg layer. I have one brabanter EE at POL so don't know egg color yet.

Thanks again can't wait to see what we hatch out.

What a fantastic set of eggs! I am very curious what the ? egg turns out to be. I love surprises!

Looks like everyone is getting very busy with the hatching bug in full swing.

One thing that is a bulb that the bunnies may leave alone would be allium. It is in the onion family. Funny though I have tons of tulips, daffodil, allium and crocus popping up as well as some ground iris and the bunnies have not touched any yet....

The ? Egg is from PC.

So here is my hatching eggs all together, picked them up today. Ok can't post photos atm. Will be back. :frow
CO chicken fans, I am cheering for you all with eggs to hatch, or new chickies! My 16 babies are now down to 15. The little runt died, so sad. The others are all eating and drinking and running around looking pretty happy and healthy. I put a small branch in their space today for entertainment.

At a friends house today, she made the MOST delicious egg custard !! whole eggs and maple syrup, cream and coconut milk. Topped with stewed mixed berries. Oh...heavenly !

I think I'll have to try and make one.
I so love hatching by proxy with you all. I certainly have my hands full this year so you all are keeping me entertained with the goings on.

Sorry bout the little runt jmdes. They cannot all make it but you gave that little one a fighting chance.
Ok so the bator is ready :weee however, I am going to be away all day so am opting not to load it until tonight or tomorrow, when I will be around to monitor.

Here is a shot


Drilled a hole in the side of my bator and added some 1/4 inch poly tubing and a cleat o I can add humidity without opening the bator.



So here is my plan, I have two incubators. Farm Innovators both syrofoam one is still air and no turner and the other I have a fan and a turner. I have 48 eggs and the bator with the fan and turn hold 42 eggs. So my plan is to load 42 eggs in the bator and the extra 6 in a egg carton in the second bator. I will set them all at the same time. I will hand turn the extra six and then at some point I will candle and remove the clears, dead or cracked eggs and then combine into one bator. With any luck! I have also weighed all the eggs so I can track humidity that way this year.

I am a nervous wreck already.....:rolleyes:

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