
Looks like they are going to be just fine! I am sure that the weak one will perk up for you.

I understand the issues you deal with at work. I am so sorry they are still going on. Some places just don't get it. Where I work an employee actually went into a screaming rage and shoved another employee. I am not sure why but the boss let him keep his job. He should have been fired tight then and there. The same one had a screaming rage at me a few days prior. I could have quit and gotten unemployment as well as filing a suit for hostile work environment. I of course am not suggesting you quit or anything like that just that you are not alone in dealing with management that does nothing. I was lucky and the individual ended up quitting a few months later. This same person has reapplied and wants to come back. I flat out told the boss if he ever brings that person back I will walk right then and there. He cannot afford to lose me as I know to much lol.
Bottom line is that sometimes people are just awful.

On another note....
My itty bitty is now sitting solid on a nest.
I spoon fed her this morning some of the wet mash.
I work for the government & everyone knows about my situation (supervisors, HR) because it's been going on since before I came back to work when I could walk again, but good luck getting anything done in the government. In fact, I had one supervisor retire early just to get out of the hostile environment my harasser had created for them. I need the job to pay for my medical bills & the health insurance, plus I don't qualify for much with my brain injury, so I'm kinda stuck right now. I'm hoping I can finish my degree in art history & use that to find a new job, but I don't know how much longer I can physically put up with this.
I know too well what you mean by getting the government to do something. Many of our customers are government agencies and working with them can be a real hassle. We went months without knowing who our new contracting officer was and when we finally found out who it was she didn't return emails or phone calls for another month. However, if you can find the right person who cares you can get stuff done. We had an employee that was being harassed by a government employee. We performed an investigation and passed our findings on to one of the higher ups at that location and the problem was fixed within a week. He never bothered her again.

The fact that your supervisors and HR know about and haven't done anything to correct it just makes it worse. If this person is creating a hostile work environment for so many people he/she needs to be disciplined or terminated. It sounds like you have resigned yourself to this and that makes me so sad. It is 100% your choice but I think your situation would be helped by calling the EEOC. They may not be the ones to regulate your particular workplace but they should know who would. I'll drop this now as I'm sure you don't want to be dealing with in your free time. I wish you luck.
I was in a similar position, i have a large covered patio,so i made a brooder box out of some scrap 2x2s and ply wood. Took less than an hour, and i was able to move them in. The heat lamps went out too. I covered half the top with ply wood, half with wire. Worked great, they stayed warm, and i kept my sanity lol.
OK, so made it known to a very "social" neighbor that I was to be selling. She introd me to a woman that wants to buy the place for cash, but needs to get the $$ from her aunt and haven't heard any more about it. But have heard that she truly does want the place. nothing in writing, just talk. Just went across the street to offer help to a dump truck stuck in the drive and the owner was there. He found out I'm selling and also offered to buy the place, cash, right now and wanted to go get the cash to show me he had it
I told him the price the other was going to pay for it, and told him I had already agreed to sell to her for that price, but since then values have increased, so if she didn't come through, I'd absolutely sell to him, but the price might have to be a bit higher (there's another place in here on the market right now for 45 thousand higher than what I'd agreed to sell for - similar but different - I couldn't get that much). He told me he just sold 2 properties and has ~ 1 million in cash right now waiting to be spent. I told him the price just went to 450K (then told him I was joking).

He just came back to drop off his contact info & told me he'd close next week, he'd cover all closing costs including title, pay cash at my asking price to the other woman, and let me live here rent free for as long as I'd like...
I said It wouldn't be more than 6 months. He agreed to put that in writing - 6 months, free rent. I took him through the place and he said he'd probably like to move in and live here. He asked if I would leave the chickens and he'd pay me for those separately. Man, I know I told the woman she could have it first, but all real estate contracts must be in writing and she's done nothing yet, nothing's in writing, and she doesn't have the money... I don't know how I can pass this offer up...

Comments? ideas? suggestions? Anyone?
@Latestarter -
If you don't have a contract with the prior lady, then there is no deal. Bottom line. Until there's a contract or money changes hands, nothing is official..
Take the deal, sounds like a sure thing, and with the other lady you most likely won't be able to live there rent free for 6 months. That is very generous.
@Latestarter -
If you don't have a contract with the prior lady, then there is no deal. Bottom line. Until there's a contract or money changes hands, nothing is official..

True. 100% If you want to, you can call her and give her 24 hours to cough up the cash and then your qualms would be settled. Also know that finding another place right now is impossible, hence the reason he wants it right now. The turn-around for him would be good. He could sell out tomorrow and make another 75 grand I bet......
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True. 100% If you want to, you can call her and give her 24 hours to cough up the cash and then your qualms would be settled. Also know that finding another place right now is impossible, hence the reason he wants it right now. The turn-around for him would be good. He could sell out tomorrow and make another 75 grand I bet......

I agree. You might start feeling guilty if you don't give the other lady a chance. If she can't come up with the cash now go with the new deal. Just make sure you put in writing that you do not need to move out till such-and-such date.
I had a devistating development yesterday. My good as gold chicken protector dog got caught with a pullet in his mouth. I did a quick head count and 6 pullets are missing. I'm sure this is fallout from the new puppy and I've got some work ahead of me. Levi had been raised with geese and I'm sure he got his butt beat by a mean gander that left an impression on him. He's never thought of even chasing them before. Couldn't even make eye contact with them. If anyone has a mean old gander they want to rehome or offer up for some training at your place shoot me a line. Also if you've brought a dog back from the dark side give me some tips. Thanks.

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