
Barred rock,
Buff Orpington
Rhode island red
I always want a colorful flock and egg basket.
I have some really different and fun feathered EEs this year. I'll give you 2nd choice after me of course.

We went to the workshop at Feeder Supply today and had a great time. It was very informative and Danielle is an absolute wealth of knowledge. There were about 40 people there which, Danielle said, was the largest group she had ever had. A few folks had chickens already and a couple of folks were actually buying chicks today.

So we are leaning towards getting six chickens total for our flock. Maybe a combination of EE’s, Buff Orpington and Barred Rocks based on what Danielle said about their temperament and all being good layers.

We will definitely be going back to Feeder Supply to get geared up for our new adventure!
Congratulations on not buying any birds before you are ready. Those 3 breeds are high on my list to start with. Normally, I only buy great starter pullets and avoid red and any sexlink chickens. Not flighty, 4-5 eggs a week, mostly dual purpose big bodied, good for a mixed flock.
I am not a fan of red chickens as they tend to be bossy in a mixed breed flock. Many people love sexlinks for their prolific laying and value that most but they crash and burn at a young age and become non productive.
The world of chickens has an amazing colorful pallet to choose from. Most people have an idea that chickens are only white (white leghorn) or red (RIR). Two of my favs for variety is Brabanter (good white egg layer and outgoing) and Russian Orloff (not the best brown layer but crazy looks more than make up for it).
It's going to be 75 tomorrow... Get working on the coop.
My favorite chicken is a bielefelder. There are a few people that breed/sell them in CO. I know every chicken is different so they might not all be like this, but she has been my most prolific layer over the years and laid the largest eggs. She is larger/heavier bodied than most other chickens I’ve had and done very well in the cold. Also she has been friendliest towards other chickens and people. I don’t particularly raise lap chickens so to speak and children that visit tend to be disappointed because they can’t catch and pet any of my chickens…. However this one tolerates it and follows me around and if I’m not paying attention I will catch my toddler petting her at the feed bowl.

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