
We purchased 6 Buff Orpingtons at Jax in Loveland Colorado and 2 (what I thought were) Khaki Campbells at Bomgaars...also in Loveland. This all happened in early April. The ducks turned out to be Blue Swedish, but they are still fun to have running about in the yard.

Great to have poultry again.

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horrible news about the 500,000+ hens to die in the most terrible way!!! what could be even more horrible? people posting "roasted chicken!" on fox31 Facebook thread with excitement!!! what is wrong with people!
So I have struggled with what to do for my flock while I'm away. I have this trust issue...I haven't any for most people especially when it comes to my house and animals. I trust my dog to only one person and only because she understands my dog means the world to me. Also, my dog is Lol she gets all hurt when I leave home without her but if I take her to my friends house then she's fine. Anyway, the flock isn't so easy. I can't just throw them in the car and they aren't smart enough to take care of themselves for more than a day or two in terms of food or water. So I've been busy making arrangement because in the end, my hobby is my garden and my flock and my wife's hobby is travel! We are headed out to Notre Dame for a graduation soon and it'll be long enough for my flock to be hurting bad even if I filled everything to capacity they will run out.

So, I've taken steps to help them out. First, I bought two four inch PVC pipes with caps and a bottom that allows the pipe to be filled its feed and hold it without it spilling everywhere out the bottom. I put two in because one is enough for three birds but I have eight. I may have to add another for good measure.

I then turned my focus to water. Thankfully, most of our travel is during times of warmer weather when hoses and pipes can be safely used outside. My coop is next to my garden and my run surrounds the garden, with the garden inside protected from the chickens. It's is irrigated and I took a line and sent it to the water bucket. While away, the irrigation system turns on daily and for one hour. My flock off roughly 2.5 gallons of water a day and the line that goes to the bucket drips about 2.5 gallons per hour. Water problem solved! It's filled to the brim every morning.

Lastly, the safety of the far I have had to open and close the coop daily and if I'm away I leave it closed but now the flock has more than doubled which means that is not an option, and frankly, mean. I bought the pullet shut door from chicken and it arrives tomorrow. It is fashioned with a solar panel and a light sensor, so the door opens and closes per the sun.

What else am I missing? The eggs will be collected semi daily by my neighbor's kids...hopefully, I still have to ask them. But an missing anything else? The run is protected on all sides, top and bottom, the door will be operationally tested this weekend and the food and water are squared away.

Have a reached Flock Zen?
Morning all,

Hi c4eggs, yes he looks pretty rooey to me

A raccoon will take the head off of poultry and leave the rest of the body. Sorry they got your duck. They got my silkie a couple years ago.

I was wondering what all the smoke was north of us. That's really sad. I need to get on the Brighton Blade and read the latest news.
My girls are locked inside the coops at night but the Ducks decide when they want to go in and out. Would it be better to lock the ducks in at night?

It would take a coon with a sawz-all to get into the coops!!


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