
My girls are locked inside the coops at night but the Ducks decide when they want to go in and out. Would it be better to lock the ducks in at night?

It would take a coon with a sawz-all to get into the coops!!


As a kid I traded my BB-gun for a pair of ducks. We kept our ducks locked up at night in a small box coop that I made out of scrap lumber...One night I didn't lock 'em up, and a coyote got them both.

Dang those 2 ducks were fun, they had such personality.
As a kid I traded my BB-gun for a pair of ducks. We kept our ducks locked up at night in a small box coop that I made out of scrap lumber...One night I didn't lock 'em up, and a coyote got them both.

Dang those 2 ducks were fun, they had such personality.
I will discuss with the DW and if need be, I will modify the coop and start locking the little guy up.
If the one next to it is the same breed, then I would guess roo. What are they, btw?
They are Rhode Island Reds. I gave him(the rooster) to a delightful women in Peyton with a bunch of chickens and a couple turkeys. We picked up a Buff Orpington and a Auracana about the same age. I am so excited about having these little guys in our household. The kids are having a blast. We now have 3RIRs, 2 Barred Rocks, 1 Auracana, and 1 Buff Orpington. We let them out of their run in the afternoon and just watch them explore the backyard. It is fun to watch them put them selves away in the coop at like 745-8pm. They seem to be having fun too!
Anyone know of any commercial type feed stores around Colorado Springs or beyond if need be? I would like to buy feed in bulk cheaper like 100 lbs. at a time. Or does anyone know of any commercial chicken farms that I can contact for their commercial feed sources? Thanks!
My new chicks have arrived at the Avondale post office!!!

Just called the DW to have her pick them up.

5 Welsummers
5 Orpingtons
5 Wyandottes




Anyone interested in splitting an order from Holderreads? I want to pick up some silver appleyards, but don't need a whole bunch of them.

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