
Anybody had any meat chickens here in CO and where did you purchase them? What kind? I am thinking of Freedom Rangers. Not sure though.

Strombergs was where we ordered some red broilers. They ran a special in July last year and they were great chickens for a great price including the shipping. We live at altitude so the meaties have to be the slow growing kind. I am thinking of getting more again this year. Kinda got spoiled with my own chickens!
After my HOA stuff I was considering a mini Windmill ($30 Harbor Freight) About 7 ft tall and a Wagon Wheel. Both brand new so hard to complain but very hick and tacky.

Actually, if you really want to get noticed, put one of those mini oil pumpers that rock back and forth.
Hope everyone is safe from that fire.
. I hadn't ever heard about it.
Update on the Nosy Neighbor Issue. The code inspector stopped in this morning. Kinda surprised me because we talked on the phone a few days ago and he said he was stopping in on Monday to look at my yard. So I show him to the back an he looks around, apparently amazed to not find me hoarding trash. Then he mentions that he has had multiple complaints which I am guessing is why he came early. He tells me that the tree branches need to go but that he really isn't worried since he can tell we have been working through it (trash day with two cans full of branches). He basically said there was nothing present that was in the complaint. So he is going to drive by in a week or so and make sure the branches are gone and close the case.
I am now thinking an Alice in Wonderland, Mad Hatter theme. Any suggestions? I have a giant blue with white poka dotted pinwheel I am going to put somewhere and was debating flamencos.
That is awesome..once an official makes a report in your favor, its powerful medicine.

Put in a few pink flamingos and a couple plastic palm trees...its summer, well almost summer.
That is awesome..once an official makes a report in your favor, its powerful medicine.

Put in a few pink flamingos and a couple plastic palm trees...its summer, well almost summer. :cool:

Oooooooh... Palm trees. Summer beach theme. I might just add those in, but later. The house next to me is being prepped to sell. It has been vacant for over two years and a flipper bought it a week ago. I am hoping that he can get a good price and raise my homes value.

I am going to put a wonderful mural on the side of the coop facing the Prime Suspects. The gentleman selling the coop offered to through in some extra paints from painting his grandsons room. Apple green, bright pink, something with glitter. I guess they did a candyland mural. :D
You know I never really considered stuff like this till I lived in an HOA. Good luck to you.

I forgot to mention the best letter, we got a notice to remove the 'inoperable red scion' from our property. The only red anything that had been on out property was a friends of my DH and mine and it was brand new scion (Temp plates an all). It was in front of our house in our driveway for only 2 hours that week.
Strombergs was where we ordered some red broilers. They ran a special in July last year and they were great chickens for a great price including the shipping. We live at altitude so the meaties have to be the slow growing kind. I am thinking of getting more again this year. Kinda got spoiled with my own chickens!
Thanks for the reply I was beginning to think no one had done any meat birds in CO. I was thinking about Freedom Rangers, Would you recommend Strombergs? How long did you grow them and what did they finish at. This will be my first time. I have been a hunter for a long time and always accepted that we had to buy store bought chicken then we got some layers and have been having a blast. I live in ColoSprgs and was thinking of growing some in the backyard in a hoop pen/tractor of some sort. Any knowlegde or tips you can pass to me before I get started? Thanks again!
I'm looking for PUBLISHED data on the following poultry breeds:

New Hampshire
Plymouth Rock

I'm looking very specifically at Rate of Lay; Growth rate and Foraging Habits. Does anyone know a good publication, website or published source that would contain the information that I'm looking for on these breeds of poultry??

Thank you for any help that you might be able to provide.

I have been collecting information and purchasing texts on poultry looking for data on verious poultry breeds for the last few years. It has been a frustrating task; my search is revealing that PUBLISHED data on the breeds that I'm interested in is quite dated. Some of it not updated since the turn of the last century...

I posted an information request to this site and I also forwarded my request to several College Professors and experts in the field of Heritage Poultry Breeds, and of those that have replied...the consensus has been that there is no current Peer Reviewed information on these breeds. The best sources of information on these breeds was published beginning about 1900 and then ending at about the 1950's.

All current PUBLISHED information is geared towards the modern breeds of commercial cross broilers and layers; much of it is considered proprietary and is kept very secret....any current information of the breeds that I'm looking for is at best anectdotal...DANG!
I only went about the research for Dominiques. It is as you said, nothing including the heritage breeds since mid century.

One of my goals with the Doms is to breed for standard, yet go for the larger end in size, and increase egg size as well. Currently most breeders say their Dominiques lay a medium size egg, which is what I have seen as well, but some older texts say medium to large size eggs......... I think with the drop in Dom's (and other heritage breeds) popularity, and the tendency (of breeders) to breed for looks rather than what the breed was developed for has hurt the Heritage breeds overall.

Time to turn it around!

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Yesterday I decided that I couldn't wait much longer to integrate the newbies and the older Dom chicks. In order to do this, I had to board up the lower 8 inches of the brooder addition, in order to block access to the lower part of the brooder, which was only covered in nasty chicken wire. This done, I opened the access door between the two sections. Nothing bad happened, but it was very funny. The older dom chicks had only ever seen other Dominiques. They were fine with the little dom chicks, they were normal chickens. But then some of the EEs and the turkey poults decided that this new territory deserved to be explored. They little EEs would run up to the larger chicks, and the larger chicks wo9uld back up quickly, trying to figure out what they other creatures were! They had never seen chicks with puffy cheeks and not black. All is good.
Yesterday I decided that I couldn't wait much longer to integrate the newbies and the older Dom chicks. In order to do this, I had to board up the lower 8 inches of the brooder addition, in order to block access to the lower part of the brooder, which was only covered in nasty chicken wire. This done, I opened the access door between the two sections. Nothing bad happened, but it was very funny. The older dom chicks had only ever seen other Dominiques. They were fine with the little dom chicks, they were normal chickens. But then some of the EEs and the turkey poults decided that this new territory deserved to be explored. They little EEs would run up to the larger chicks, and the larger chicks wo9uld back up quickly, trying to figure out what they other creatures were! They had never seen chicks with puffy cheeks and not black. All is good.
thats funny!

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