
My husband and his friend have been outside for hours working on our coop. I assisted with some of it and encouraged them to wait for another day to put the plywood on the roof...they did it anyway. It went pretty well considering I am having trouble putting one foot in front of the other in those gusts!
Spent a good portion of the day working on the run for my coop and took a break or two to feed girls. Great day to be outside and spending time with teh pullets.

Some of my girls really like Sunflowerseeds.

When they see that I have treats they come runnin and hog in to get at the feed.

It was a good day...
We had the winds here too!
I have been sitting in my garage during all my spare time.
My girls are loving their big coop, when I open the door they
line up to come and sit in my lap. Millie, my buff orp is just
the sweetest lap bird. She wants to be held all the time.
Still waiting to hear back from our HOA, until then the girls
will not be free rangin' outside. I am soo impatient. I wish I
could be introducing them to their bigger area :)
We had the winds here too!
I have been sitting in my garage during all my spare time.
My girls are loving their big coop, when I open the door they
line up to come and sit in my lap. Millie, my buff orp is just
the sweetest lap bird. She wants to be held all the time.
Still waiting to hear back from our HOA, until then the girls
will not be free rangin' outside. I am soo impatient. I wish I
could be introducing them to their bigger area :)

If you have not violated any bylaws of the HOA...why would you wait for them to respond? Seems to me that if they know that you are waiting and they don't are perpetually waiting and they win any way. Give them a reasonable time limit to respond to your request; indicate clearly in your communication that any Non-Action or non-responce by them will be interpretted as acceptance of your chicken project.

Go about your business and enjoy your chickens.

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