
We had some crazy flooding and hail. Just planted my hay bale raised garden yesterday and now the hail. The seedlings look OK, maybe. We are in the SE Springs area.

All we got was wind in the Midway area. We were looking north and wondering how bad it had gotten. Hope all the Colorado Springs chickens and chicken folks fared well.

I just got the WIND again!!!!!!

50-60 mph winds.....I think I had a couple chicks stuck up against the fence. All girls are ok!

This Pueblo/Avondale desert plains can drive you crazy. No moisture, just wind!

I just heard that this afternoon could bring another round of storms like yesterday.

Our night shift (I am Manager of Quality Control for Skywest Airlines Maintenance here in Colorado Springs) crews did 5 hail inspections last night, and they got called over to the terminal to look at a 737 that flew in during the worst part of the storm. It has substantial hail damage. A couple of our planes diverted to Pueblo and spent a few hours there waiting out the storm. The last one got here at about 3:30 AM.
It started raining pretty good last evening. I went out to check on the girls and they were all sitting along the fence of the run watching the rain come down. Then when it started getting dark they all went into the coop for the night. The ducks sat by the gate most of the evening watching the water puddle in the backyard, then they went under the coop for the night.

The ducks still don't go into the coop at night on their own.
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DH ran out during a break in the storm around 8 to put the girls away. The two little girls in the new coop were soaked. It flooded under their coop and they were up to their fluffy butts in muddy water. :(. I hope it doesn't go as bad again today. said we got 2.5 inches an hour at one point last night. We really don't need any more water.
Quote: When I put my ducks in their special made, fancy run..we lost a duck 3 days later. (something liked the duck's head...better than the duck) The remaining duck was pacing the fence to the RIR run he/she was raised with so bad that there was a wore down path. I could not calm it down.

So I put the duck in with the RIRs ........ now we call him/her Chuck! It thinks it is a chicken!! Goes in with the RIRs and comes out with the RIRs!! Even does the wing stretch/strut in the morning when it comes out....just like the chicks!!

Funny to watch!!


DH ran out during a break in the storm around 8 to put the girls away. The two little girls in the new coop were soaked. It flooded under their coop and they were up to their fluffy butts in muddy water.
. I hope it doesn't go as bad again today. said we got 2.5 inches an hour at one point last night. We really don't need any more water.
wow...I haven't gotten 2/10" all year!!!
We got rain like that at our house last August. After the storm last summer, it filled up behind a diversion dam that I had never seen water in before, about 15 feet deep at the dam. It washed out a couple sections of road and driveways as well If we had gotten that much at the house last night, I wouldn't have been able to get out this morning, it would have taken out part of our road again.

We lost broadband internet last evening for a couple of hours, and Dish went out as well for a while. The dish couldn't keep up with the wind vibrations and movement.

With as much humidity as there is in El Paso county this morning, it could get interesting this afternoon........ Fountain creek looks like a river this morning. I haven't seen Sand creek or Monument creek yet.

On another note, the first wattles are showing up on our breeder Dominique cockerels! At only 4 weeks....... I'm sure crowing isn't far behind. Only two cockerels will "make the cut", and at last count I think we have about 12. That means at least 10 cockerels in the freezer in October! We'll have to cull about 3 or 4 pullets as well, so later this fall if anyone wants one of the pullets, let me know. I'm thinking that I can let them go for $5 each to BYC folks.

We are only keeping the best15 Dominique pullets over the winter. One is already promised to Rock Ledge Ranch for an addition to their Heritage chicken flock.
Wow! I am simply amazed at the storm last night by seeing pictures on facebook and the news. I am in the northwest side of colorado springs and the sky got dark and we had some light rain but nothing like the south east side of town. My hisband and i worked till 8:30 in the chicken run installing things and we were lightly wet by the time we quit. I am a bit worried for tonight!

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