
sidenote: We put hail net up over our own garden.We bought it in bulk from a manufacturer in Denver. Works WONDERFULLY!! we had 3 hail storms last year and it collected all the hail and then later it melted and dripped into the garden. I can post pictures if any one is interested.
Love to see the pics
The storm hit all 4 sides of Franktown but somehow managed to miss the ranch...
It is the HOA, I swear they have a witch doctor on staff that prevents the best storms from hitting us.

Sorry so use to the ranch referring to Highlands Ranch...
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Hey does anyone know of any New Zealand rabbit breeders near the Co Springs? I used to buy from a guy just east of town.
1st Annual Chicken Swap!

Come to the first annual Chicken Swap at Wardle Feed!
: Saturday, June 16th from 8AM to 2PM
Where: Fenced field behind Wardle Feed & Pet Supply (7610 W. 42nd Ave.) Go to the feed store and follow the signs!
What: Come buy and sell chickens, ducks, quail, laying hens, goat and more! We have over 20 vendors lined up! Also be sure to stop by Wardle Feed to pick up chicken feed, waterers, shavings, etc.
Ok. On this note. I'm guessing it would be better to buy my chicks at this than online? Would the cost be about the same? Waht sort of selection might I have? looking for austilorps, leghorns and EEs (hens).


I just put my nest boxes (only 2, but they are each large enough to split in half if the girls don't want to share space) in last week. Laid a few golf balls around in them. My roost is much higher than the tallest nest box and so far the girls have shown no interest in them that I can tell. I put some straw in them (couldn't decide between straw or just putting in more pine shavings and the woman I re-homed my roo too suggested straw would be best). When I put them in I told myself if I caught them playing bedtime games in them I would block them off until I found an egg on the floor. Regardless, they range in age from 9 weeks to 14 weeks, so they won't all start laying at the same time. So if I open it up at first lay, the youngest won't be laying yet. Hope this is the worst problem I have with them.

Have been noticing something else in the last week and it really intensified (or maybe I was just around at the right time) today. LOTS and LOTS of chest butting, squawking and puffed up feathers as the girls have finally decided that this "can't we all just get along" attitude they have had was doing nothing for settling who was top chicken. So now they are discussing the situation quite vocally and physically. No real dangerous signs of meanness that I can tell. Just lotsa noise, flying at each other and (LOL) getting the heck outta there by the younger birds. My black australorp starts most of it with the younger girls (and for awhile with me, but I soon let her know I wasn't having any of it), but I suspect that's because the Barred Rocks are both putting her on a level below themselves. The two BR's haven't decided yet which of THEM will be top dog. So funny to watch. I'm just gonna let them settle it amongst themselves.

Still trying to catch that danged mouse before it becomes a family. By the amount of dug up earth I see, I may be too late. Gonna go out this weekend and change the configuration a little more, trying to get it so that there is no place my hens don't have access to in case they want a tasty meat snack.
Good morning!
I need your chicken opinion. I finally have a good set up for my birds. The birds in the main coop get a long beautifully. I have a separate coop that works great for brooding and raising young birds. I'd like to start earning a little extra income now that my setup is good. How much of a demand is there for started birds? How should I get started? I'd love some input.
Thank you!! Sonja
I have no idea what the demand is as I'm so new. Have been thinking tho that next year I might rather get started pullets than chicks (I've done the chick thing, it was fun but easier than it will be next year as this year I had no older birds that I needed to worry about separate space with. My only real concern at this point would be researching what extra concerns I should have about bringing started pullets into my existing flock healthwise. At least with chicks you don't have to worry so much about that. Of course you could offer both chicks and started pullets and catch both markets. I know if someone had the breeds I wanted I would much rather get them from someone I know than from the hatcheries.

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