
Prayers to all who are in or near the fire!!! Be safe!!



i'm watching it pretty closely here. My inlaws live right off of hewlett gulch road/deer meadow rd. the fire is 3 - 4 miles from them. They are in the glacier view fire dept area
The last 24 hours have brought new milestones to Windy Ridge Dominiqes.
1st: Last night after returning home from a church picnic, Beth and I sat for a while as the sun went down watching the poultry. We laughed at their silliness as they started going into the coops for the night, some were going up and down the ramp like 4 year old kids that didn't want to go to bed. Soon, only the female Narragensett turkey poult remained outside. The male turkey came down the ramp and out to her several times, but she stayed out, wandering around. Then he did something that I hadn't seen before. Mind you, the poults are only 5 weeks old.... He came out and began strutting around her, herding her and coaxing her to follow him to the coop. Very fun to watch.
2nd: This morning before I left the house for work at about 5:15AM, I went out to check on the birds. They were already out and about, looking for bugs, etc. One of the Doms we hatched from breeder eggs was up on some wood that I put in the pen for them to perch on. at 6 weeks, from his throat came the first crow! not a very good or loud crow, but crowing it was. He was pretty proud of himself. Of course, soon it will become very noisy out there........
One of the sweetest things is the first crow of a baby roo and the "what the heck was that" look on their face afterwards. And next would be the new Mamas with their little chicks following them around the yard saying "wait for me Mom!"

Can't even imagine the fear and sadness that our Co families up there are going through. Hoping this predicted rain storm that is supposed to fall up there actually happens this evening.

I'll have a male Pekin (1 yr in March) that I'll be rehoming at the Wheatridge swap this Saturday if anyone is interested. He's a little too amourous with the girls so he needs to go. I have 5 duck hens sitting and he is actually concerned about them and sits with them at times. So he has a good heart but......

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