
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there in Colorado Land...Enjoy the Day.
Hmm, isn't Douglas County having contract issues with their teachers. True about the further west you go the more expensive. But the further west is also greener IMO. I miss the green since moving up here to Brighton. We were in unincorporated Jefferson County and we had roos. There are many little nooks and areas in Jeffco that will allow roos. In the town of Arvada they only allow 2 yes just 2 hens. Up north here and further is pretty ag and there are many folks with roos up here. Actually there are many options since your flexible. Good luck !!!
Hmm, isn't Douglas County having contract issues with their teachers. True about the further west you go the more expensive. But the further west is also greener IMO. I miss the green since moving up here to Brighton. We were in unincorporated Jefferson County and we had roos. There are many little nooks and areas in Jeffco that will allow roos. In the town of Arvada they only allow 2 yes just 2 hens. Up north here and further is pretty ag and there are many folks with roos up here. Actually there are many options since your flexible. Good luck !!!

I had not heard about the contract issue but my source retired a few years ago. I have some connections up north (Thornton) but it is high risk and prob lower pay. My husband use to work for Mapleton school district and still has a few friends there, I could see if there are any openings. The area is dangerous in some places and there has been gang violence in some of the schools. Also it would be good to know fluent Spanish, since many of the teachers teach in Spanish.
We're moving from south Florida-will be a big change!! We have flexibility as far as the exact area we can move to. My biggest factor is it just has to be a place that is chicken (including rooster) friendly, as I would never leave them behind! And also I'd like to of course get more. As it is, my neighbor thinks my parrot is the one crowing LOL and they think its so funny so they havent complained. But, when we relocate I Just dont want to have to worry about it. I've been looking into different towns and stuff but then thought I might find out more on here.
plus, everyone I've met who has chickens is just so friendly!!
It will probably be about a year until we move so I have plenty of time.

I live on the eastern edge of Parker in Elbert County, and just about everyone in my neighborhood has roosters (but me!). I prefer sitting outside with my pullets listening to the roosters crow in the distance. :) It's great out here! Lots of space...everyone seems to have at least a few acres, several horses, sheep, alpaca, etc. Houses aren't terribly expensive. I got a great deal on mine. And I love Parker and Elizabeth, great towns. Good luck with your planning and home search!
Our girls are out in the coop today for the first time, and spending their first night in it! Well, 4 out of 5 are out there. My little girl who was on her deathbed last weekend will stay inside with me a little longer until she's ready. They seem to be enjoying the space so far. Coop pictures to come in the next couple of days.
Our girls are out in the coop today for the first time, and spending their first night in it! Well, 4 out of 5 are out there. My little girl who was on her deathbed last weekend will stay inside with me a little longer until she's ready. They seem to be enjoying the space so far. Coop pictures to come in the next couple of days.
ohhhh... I love coop pictures. Painting my coop this week.

My SIL came over tonight to give me a conure named Maggie who needed a home. While she was here, I asked her to check on my girls. What I had assumed to be a too rough rooster, she seems to think is hen pecked. I have saddles on the girls when they aren't being washed but it doesn't seem to be doing much good. So, now that changes things a bit. What can I get locally to help their backs if it is hen pecked? I'm off to Big R tomorrow to pick up some straw and some ivermectin as the all the babies are now 4 months old.

I feel like such a dunce to not to have figured it out. She also brought one of my RIRs home with her. She only has a nice roo, a brahma, at her house and her flock are still babies. She should have tons of time to recuperate. She's also a SAHM so can keep a better eye of her while she's inside.

Most of us here try so very hard to be responsible and proactive chicken owners. I know I read as much as I can and spend my evenings prusing sites on different husbandtry techniques. But reading just isn't the same as doing and I learn that more and more each day.
My SIL came over tonight to give me a conure named Maggie who needed a home. While she was here, I asked her to check on my girls. What I had assumed to be a too rough rooster, she seems to think is hen pecked. I have saddles on the girls when they aren't being washed but it doesn't seem to be doing much good. So, now that changes things a bit. What can I get locally to help their backs if it is hen pecked? I'm off to Big R tomorrow to pick up some straw and some ivermectin as the all the babies are now 4 months old.

I feel like such a dunce to not to have figured it out. She also brought one of my RIRs home with her. She only has a nice roo, a brahma, at her house and her flock are still babies. She should have tons of time to recuperate. She's also a SAHM so can keep a better eye of her while she's inside.

Most of us here try so very hard to be responsible and proactive chicken owners. I know I read as much as I can and spend my evenings prusing sites on different husbandtry techniques. But reading just isn't the same as doing and I learn that more and more each day.

I know my problem was pecking and the saddles did the job, as long as they were long enough to stay over the bad spot. When I have to use one that isn't long enough I use blu-kote in addition to the saddle. I can't use blu-kote alone because they'll still peck when it starts to wear off, which it does pretty quickly. Once my girls see a patch of skin or pin feathers, they won't leave it alone until it's out of sight. It's also amazing how quickly they can strip a section of all it's feathers, it only takes an hour or two in my case.

Did you make your saddles? I'm in the process of making some really light weight ones because it's so hot outside. I could make some extras and all I'd ask for is enough to cover the materials.
I made a couple of the first ones I used but couldn't get them to stay on right. The last saddles I bought. I'll pm you.

Sometimes I just feel like such a dunce. How often have I heard that chickens will continue to peck at each other but it still didn't connect as to why my girls were barebacked. When I was in the military, we'd give out rocks to those people who just didn't think right. In this case, I'd get a boulder. :)

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