
This makes me so furious. Evidentally, a homeowner who had to flee decided to leave the chickens behind. When he gets back, he finds a note about removing one dead chicken and feeding and watering the rest. What a jerk. It makes me so sad because rather than at least open the gate to give them a chance to fly away, he locks them in. Then the reported says, 'its not the chicken or the coop that was important', but the note left behind.

I am so ticked at this jerk. So its ok to leave your chickens behind to burn?

I'm sure the Montana ff's really wanted to say, '*******, we worked to save your home for your chickens...and made sure we at least fed them and watered them after.' What an asswipe.
My white EE had a brilliant golden color lacing her neck feathers as a pullet. Eventually she molted them though and it grew in creamy white instead. Sounds like it may be a variation of that, yellow and some red to make peachy/pink. Uncommon, defiantly. Never heard of pink in the hen. It would be awesome if you could manage a picture, it sounds pretty. :)
peach... no blood.

no hen pecking going on as of yet

When they are really small, the marks are very small and they bleed a small amount. It usually shows as peach on the whiter chicks. The chickens might see the peach, which is really a light blood color and peck more. If it isn't, I would still do a preventative to insure they don't start.
That photo of the crayfish on the platter with the corn is gorgeous! And I love the cute sneaky girls stealing some.

Minchi, I'm there with you, I probably have the same medicated starter feed that you have. Kiowa Country Corner recommended the same thing that the feed bag says, to feed starter until 18 weeks until they (hopefully) start laying, so I was just going to do that.

This makes me so furious.  Evidentally, a homeowner who had to flee decided to leave the chickens behind.  When he gets back, he finds a note about removing one dead chicken and feeding and watering the rest.  What a jerk.  It makes me so sad because rather than at least open the gate to give them a chance to fly away, he locks them in. Then the reported says, 'its not the chicken or the coop that was important', but the note left behind.

I am so ticked at this jerk.  So its ok to leave your chickens behind to burn? 

I'm sure the Montana ff's really wanted to say, '*******, we worked to save your home for your chickens...and made sure we at least fed them and watered them after.'   What an asswipe.

If they lived in one of the areas that had to leave quickly, chickens were the last thing on their mind. Homes were burning to the ground, you don't stop for chickens. I know some people really do love their chickens, and that's ok, but this guy didn't do anything wrong. I don't think he's an asswipe, since we know nothing of the situation they were in.

This makes me so furious. Evidentally, a homeowner who had to flee decided to leave the chickens behind. When he gets back, he finds a note about removing one dead chicken and feeding and watering the rest. What a jerk. It makes me so sad because rather than at least open the gate to give them a chance to fly away, he locks them in. Then the reported says, 'its not the chicken or the coop that was important', but the note left behind.

I am so ticked at this jerk. So its ok to leave your chickens behind to burn?

I'm sure the Montana ff's really wanted to say, '*******, we worked to save your home for your chickens...and made sure we at least fed them and watered them after.' What an asswipe.
I agree 100% with you, no matter the purpose they are still animals and to leave any creature behind to suffer the way he did should be inexcusable. The news also for saying that the chickens didn't really matter even worse. There should be laws that punish people who leave animals behind and don't make an effort to save them or at least have a dam good excuse for leaving them... I am thinking that excuse should be third degree burns.

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