
This makes me so furious. Evidentally, a homeowner who had to flee decided to leave the chickens behind. When he gets back, he finds a note about removing one dead chicken and feeding and watering the rest. What a jerk. It makes me so sad because rather than at least open the gate to give them a chance to fly away, he locks them in. Then the reported says, 'its not the chicken or the coop that was important', but the note left behind.
I am so ticked at this jerk. So its ok to leave your chickens behind to burn?

I'm sure the Montana ff's really wanted to say, '*******, we worked to save your home for your chickens...and made sure we at least fed them and watered them after.' What an asswipe.

How sad. I realize that I have NO IDEA what it must have been like to have to evacuate. But I promise you that I would be VERY aware of the 5 little feathered beings that are out in my backyard. Those firefighters are wonderful people.
If they lived in one of the areas that had to leave quickly, chickens were the last thing on their mind. Homes were burning to the ground, you don't stop for chickens. I know some people really do love their chickens, and that's ok, but this guy didn't do anything wrong. I don't think he's an asswipe, since we know nothing of the situation they were in.

Then why did he lock them in the coop and not open the gate to give them a fighting chance? If the fire was that close, he knew they would burn to death. If the fire wasn't that close, he was fielding his bets that they would be fine. So either way, he was irresponsible and... an asswipe.
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If they lived in one of the areas that had to leave quickly, chickens were the last thing on their mind. Homes were burning to the ground, you don't stop for chickens. I know some people really do love their chickens, and that's ok, but this guy didn't do anything wrong. I don't think he's an asswipe, since we know nothing of the situation they were in.

"Voluntary evacuations are placed for residents living west of 30th Street from Gateway to Chuckwagon Road, and the neighborhood of Mountain Shadows" Day one of the fire, the fire did not spread in to the subdivision till 2 days later. The smoke up there had to be thick and they were in danger day one. He also could have spoken with the animal control people there and notified them that he had chickens at his residence, they would have made an effort to save them as well. I am sorry but in my opinion he had plenty of time he just did not care. I saw post here from people who liven in that area trying to find a safe place for there chickens day one.
"Voluntary evacuations are placed for residents living west of 30th Street from Gateway to Chuckwagon Road, and the neighborhood of Mountain Shadows" Day one of the fire, the fire did not spread in to the subdivision till 2 days later. The smoke up there had to be thick and they were in danger day one. He also could have spoken with the animal control people there and notified them that he had chickens at his residence, they would have made an effort to save them as well. I am sorry but in my opinion he had plenty of time he just did not care. I saw post here from people who liven in that area trying to find a safe place for there chickens day one.

I'm still watching 6 chickens from someone who didn't want to risk their respiratory health. Their house isn't ready yet to get them back.
I have a lot of chickens and I use to obsess about what to do if there should ever be a fire. My brother has horses. For his horses, and he didn't have time... he bought paint so he could put his telephone number on them if he must let them loose. He would only do that if it was the cowhands did at the flying w. Thanks to Romney, I now have a solution if I only have a little time. I will strap my dog kennel to the roof and put them in and the rest will go in kennels inside with my son and my dogs. I don't care about the tv or my things...but my animals are a responsibility. Even a chicken, if allowed to escape... will. This fire was on the perimeter of the fire...which means this was a fire line to hold. That leads me to believe that this wasn't the closest to first houses. But it still doesn't explain why he didn't pre-evacuate like so many others did.
"Voluntary evacuations are placed for residents living west of 30th Street from Gateway to Chuckwagon Road, and the neighborhood of Mountain Shadows"  Day one of the fire, the fire did not spread in to the subdivision till 2 days later. The smoke up there had to be thick and they were in danger day one. He also could have spoken with the animal control people there and notified them that he had chickens at his residence, they would have made an effort to save them as well. I am sorry but in my opinion he had plenty of time he just did not care. I saw post here from people who liven in that area trying to find a safe place for there chickens day one.

With how quickly the fire moved down the hill I can understand if he was at work or out of the area and not allowed to get back into his home. However, I absolutely do NOT want to defend this guy for leaving them there that morning! If his house was under voluntary evacuation you bet your bippy that he should have had everything living OUT of the danger zone if he wasn't in a position to get them out of there if things went south. Even if he was away and unable to get back into the area, he should have had his pets packed up and in a safe place before he left the house for the day. What happened that afternoon took everyone by surprise, but even on the other side of the highway well out of the evac zone I made sure my girls were corralled inside so that I could get them out quickly if we had to.

Leaving a living thing in harm's way for whatever reason when some simple forethought could have saved it is cruel and irresponsible.

coloradogal, you are an absolute angel and thank you so much for offering to take my girls if we had to evacuate. It made all the difference in the moments of panic to know that, even if everything else was lost, they would be safe :)
I am a strong believe that you don't get animals without a plan to protect them, same as children. Even if he was out of town there is always animal shelters who advertise on every news station and people who are willing and able to get them out. If you know there is a chance your home is at risk and you have animals or even possessions that you will not be able to get out in a hurry you get them out while you can. There was a fire that was really early in the year that was somewhat close to my husband and I, we did not have any animals then and the fire was not much of a threat to us but we still took precautions, packed important items and if I had the girls I would have had my cage ready with food and water to transport them. Now the chances of a fire wiping out my area is remote but I have a plan in place if I ever need it as well as a few others for other situations.
With how quickly the fire moved down the hill I can understand if he was at work or out of the area and not allowed to get back into his home. However, I absolutely do NOT want to defend this guy for leaving them there that morning! If his house was under voluntary evacuation you bet your bippy that he should have had everything living OUT of the danger zone if he wasn't in a position to get them out of there if things went south. Even if he was away and unable to get back into the area, he should have had his pets packed up and in a safe place before he left the house for the day. What happened that afternoon took everyone by surprise, but even on the other side of the highway well out of the evac zone I made sure my girls were corralled inside so that I could get them out quickly if we had to.
Leaving a living thing in harm's way for whatever reason when some simple forethought could have saved it is cruel and irresponsible.
coloradogal, you are an absolute angel and thank you so much for offering to take my girls if we had to evacuate. It made all the difference in the moments of panic to know that, even if everything else was lost, they would be safe

You're welcome and I hope that you never, ever have to reciprocate for me. :)

I went to the KKTV facebook page and also gave them my disgust. It's 50/50 of the people who say that it's just a chicken and we eat them all the time and the people who understand that understand he should have done it different. One lady said that a chicken is not more important to a person's house. One guy asked if they'd have a nice, smokey flavor on the grill. The thing that bugs me is he locked them in. He didn't give them a chance to get out. Who does that? and then he's proud of the fact a firefighter left him a personal note. How could he sleep all those hours knowing that his animals were in fear?

We all know that sometimes we have to sacrifice. Some of us make the hard decisions on who to cull for dinner and who to let live another day. The difference is I suspect most of us would not want any animal to suffer more than it has to. That isn't coddling, that is being a good steward.

I redid my coop today. I built the roost and the roost litter shelf from premeasured wood from Lowe's. I'm going to mostly straw with some wood shavings to see if I can't keep the dust down. I have some Oxine coming and hope to do a good humidifier clean later this week along with Wazine to deworm the newer chicks and the older ones. Once I find some pelletized PDZ, I want to do the litter method. newc

The old doggy litter in the corner is for the ducks. The papasan frame is recycled and allows the small chicks/silkies to hide and get away from the bigger chickens. The plastic nest box I'm hoping that the silkies will use to sleep in at night rather than cuddle with the phoenix chicks on the floor. The large nest box is very old and I just used scrap wood to also make a shelf for them to nest on tonight. The roost under the window cost $5 from supplies at Lowe's. The old dog kennel is used to keep the babies safe until the bigger chickens are use to them.
Ok, 80% sure that Snowi is going broody. Is there anyone out there in the Springs area that I could buy and pick up a six to eight hatching eggs from once I am 100% sure? I'd prefer Rocks, Orpingtons, or Sussex. Barnyard mixes could be cool too. :). PM me if you could please!

Coloradogal- I LOVE your setup with the pappasan chair. Makes me wish I could find one on Craigslist! I'm probably going to need something like it soon. :/

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