
coloradogal, I saw pelletized PDZ at the Big R in Elizabeth.

Thanks. I picked up some sand today and just mixed powdered pdz and de in it. The girls were so funny last night. They didn't know what to do. Today was the first day the month old chicks were allowed out in the big girl coop. They did fine. I think they will really love the new setup tons. I know I do. I think that perhaps why the coop was a little warmer was because I had some composting going on that raised the temps in there. It was a huge difference in temps just from today and yesterday.
So I got my second pullet egg in three days! We ate them as a family today. They tasted great. How long in your experiences have you observed that the laying becomes more consistent and the egg size increases?
So I got my second pullet egg in three days! We ate them as a family today. They tasted great. How long in your experiences have you observed that the laying becomes more consistent and the egg size increases?
Agree!!! I now have 7 girls laying at 20 weeks....and 1 eff I got yesterday was smaller than a ginny egg!!! They are getting bigger.....slowly.


So I got my second pullet egg in three days!  We ate them as a family today.  They tasted great.  How long in your experiences have you observed that the laying becomes more consistent and the egg size increases?

We've been getting eggs for a couple weeks. Its just in the last few days where we've been getting 7 eggs from 8 EEs consistently. They are getting bigger pretty quickly.
Uhgg. What a LONG day yesterday. Up at 4:45 AM and drive to the COS terminal. Flight to SLC and then SGU. Pick up the rental car, drive to headquarters. Meeting. Drive back to the SGU terminal, drop off rental car. Wait. Fly to SLC, Grab a cold, stale sandwich. Fly to COS, arrive at 9:30 PM. Get home by 10:15pm. In bed by 11 PM. Up at 5 AM with a call from work. At work by 6AM. I am TIRED! and it's only 9:30 AM! Havent seen the chickens in two days. Heard the cockerels this morning though.......Cock-a-roo......

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