
Ignorance is bliss. People just don't know a darn thing about chickens. They think loud, dirty, and stinky. They like clean and sterile like the grocery store packages. If they took the time to give a **** about where their food came from and the stuff they were eating and feeding to others then they would reconsider. It's completely asinine that people think 15+ year old CC&R's are acceptable. Our HOA president LAUGHED in my face when I told her I would like to change the covenants and petition the 310 homes for permission to have hens. She told me that getting CC&R's changed is a process that has been made lengthy, time consuming, and expensive to keep people like me from moving in and taking over.
HI all,
just a comment about the HOAs. As I've posted before I live in Mountain Shadows and have been in discussion with my Hoa and my chickens. They wrote us and said they do not approve, but haven't done anything since. We are trying to keep it quiet and make sure our area is super clean. So far so good.
About 2 months ago my hubby started looking for land and wanted to move. We checked out Falcon Estates which is between Academy and Union, but north of Woodmen Road (East of the Sam's Club) anyway... we are seriously thinking about buying and I went to talk to several of the neighbors and they told me no chickens. I called the Pres of their voluntary HOA and he said yes it was in the 1968 covenants. I was shocked! A whole neighborhood of 1 and 2.5 acre lots where horses are ok, but no chickens. I feel like this town is anti-chickens even though it is in the city ordinances!
Anyway.. the board is voting tonight about whether to change the covenants. Apparently there are several families who would like chickens and have expressed interest. We are waiting to hear!
I can't even put into words how we feel about HOA's and the snobs that run them and how they should be outlawed. What a bunch of control hungry, holier than though, loser jerks. I feel for you folks that are having to deal with these *&^%** . We are out here in Brighton away (for now, you know progress is just around the corner and down the road
) from HOA's and people who think they have the right to call the shots and run other's way of life. Just the thought of this makes me boil and get very angry. We had to deal with people like this in Arvada and it got very aggravating to the point we were ready to file harrasment charges on this particular person who the CEO said called them at least 30 times a month on people in our little neighborhood. This was before we moved and got chickens. This was just on stuff like trash cans up against the garage wall, or the people that lived behind us that put up a very nice looking picket fence around the back and side yards but had to take it down because complainer actually walked into their yard and measured the space between the pickets and it was like an inch off too wide or too narrow I forget. But just petty crap like this ALL the time and yet this person was free to harrass everyone without us knowing who it was. That's not right. But don't let people bully you. That's exactly what they're doing is Bullying people into living the way they live. Throwing rocks at your dogs and chickens!!! Seriously!!
I love my Narragansetts too. These are the gentlest birds I've ever been around, not to mention beautiful. I can even pick them up and they cuddle in my arms.
I went to Falcon Feed, located behind Big R in Falcon today. They had Blue-Kote, Pine Tar, Wazine and even pure aspirin powder (acetylsalicylic acid) there. i was very pleased. :)
I know when we went house hunting we said absolutely no HOAs, and here we are, living in one. The thing that made us change our mind was the president. We talked to him twice, once before we put in our offer and once after. He was a really nice guy, and clarified all points for us. We made sure chickens were allowed, since we wanted them. We made sure there weren't any ridiculous rules, and that we knew we would be OK complying with everything. Even the 4,000sq ft of irrigation limit was ok with us, because trees and bushes don't count toward it. We're a community of 175 2.5 acre lots, it's quiet and we love it.
Research is key. Don't move there knowing there is an HOA and then disregard the rules. It's not worth the trouble.
I know when we went house hunting we said absolutely no HOAs, and here we are, living in one. The thing that made us change our mind was the president. We talked to him twice, once before we put in our offer and once after. He was a really nice guy, and clarified all points for us. We made sure chickens were allowed, since we wanted them. We made sure there weren't any ridiculous rules, and that we knew we would be OK complying with everything. Even the 4,000sq ft of irrigation limit was ok with us, because trees and bushes don't count toward it. We're a community of 175 2.5 acre lots, it's quiet and we love it.
Research is key. Don't move there knowing there is an HOA and then disregard the rules. It's not worth the trouble.

Knocked that one right out of the park there, Ashdoes.
Ashdoes, my american bulldog and mastador had puppies and one of the girls looks a little like the dog in your profile. What kind of dog is it?

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