
So, I've been under the weather lately (just found out I need a root canal AND I twisted my ankle badly) so I haven't been spending much time with my babies for the last 2-3 days. Hubby has been letting them out and tucking them in. Today I went out and low and behold one of the babies has a RED comb! They are *almost* 5 weeks old. I'm thinking this is a bad sign......Is this baby a roo?

Here *it* is (on the right) compared to the other chicks. They all shipped together so I know they are the same age. The others have nothing at all!
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Mommato- Sorry to say but WOW. There is still the theoretical chance that the chick is an early bloomer but that comb and something about how the chick is carrying itself in the first pic make me say rooster. Sorry.

Got LOTS of rain last night and early this morning. Not sure how much, but there is a 30 yard wide pond where our road is supposed to be.......

Lots of lightning this morning that woke us up at about 4:15 AM. It was an interesting and entertaining drive to the paved road.
With this rain, the ground will be soft, so I will dig up as much as I can this afternoon to fill in the floor of the new hen house.
My rooster Silver was like that with Mr Flufflybutt and LittleMan when we first merged the two flocks. We had no idea at the time that those two were Roos, but he did eventually got over it. If she isn't hurting the other EE then it's probably ok to let them work it out. Silver was significantly bigger than the other boys so we kept a very close eye on them for daily visits every day for a week. He would peck them, and chase them but that was the extent of what he would do. Then, once the little ones figured out who to avoid, we put them all in together permanently. The three boys coexist fine, even ganging up on the girls to make pancakes (mate) with them.
Yeah, that's basically my plan. It's funny how none of the old girls seem to mind the Doms too much, maybe because they look so much like the barred rocks? But both EEs, and the one yellow one especially are definitely outcasts. Today, they spent almost the whole time either inside the coop hiding or hiding in a little escape area they have. They won't even venture out when the big girls are in their area. But I figure a week or two should calm things down a little. Hopefully.
So my oldest son and ai were working in the chicken yard yesterday afternoon.....when all of a sudden it started raining HARD. We ran into the hen house, which was the closest shelter. We ended up being in there for nearly 40 minutes while it rained and hailed buckets. Good news is that the hen house, even without shingles, held out the water. Bad thing was that it was LOUD! Got lots of moisture though, and it is a good thing.

Hope Rock is doing well after his surgery.

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