
I have a question for you all. I put one of my freezer birds in the crock pot this weekend. The meat was a little dense and I was wondering if I've gotten too used to the soft, prepackaged birds from the market. In the past I waited too long to butcher and knew the meat would be a little tough, but this was a 6 month old bird and only frozen for about a month or so. A Cochin, if that makes any difference.
I have a question for you all. I put one of my freezer birds in the crock pot this weekend. The meat was a little dense and I was wondering if I've gotten too used to the soft, prepackaged birds from the market. In the past I waited too long to butcher and knew the meat would be a little tough, but this was a 6 month old bird and only frozen for about a month or so. A Cochin, if that makes any difference.

Home grown poultry will have more texture and flavor than store bought chicken. Here's a question? Did you let the meat rest in the fridge before freezing? Also, at what temp did you cook it? Heritage birds, Cochins included (yes, they are Heritage chickens per the ALBC), need to "rest" for a day or two before cooking or freezing. Also, as the bird gets older, the meat must be cooked low and slow. A 1+ year old rooster should be cooked at no more than 200* for 30 min per lb, if really old, then no hotter than 180*. That way the meat will be tender and bursting with flavor.
Got a total of 10 eggs yesterday! 2 EEs and 8 Dom eggs. One of the Dom eggs was laid outside, so I think #12 ( the last remaining Dominique hold-out) finally started laying. New layers sometimes don't know where they are supposed to be laying. We still have at least one EE that isn't laying yet.

the whole flock enjoyed some leftovers yesterday. Giving chickens the leftovers is better that just get eggs AND compostable materials!
Just got off the phone with Beth. The dogs belonging to the neighbor down the hill from us just killed the goats belonging to my other neighbor across the road. Not happy about this. One got away, and he caught the other one and chained it to his now emply goat pen. 4 ft chain link. I would have shot the dogs. The one neighbor had already been told his dogs had been out harassing the goats about 3 weeks ago.
So I was looking at the past postings om this thread, and began wondering where so many of the past posters have gone? Why don't they post any more? Do they not have chickens any more? Did they get bored? Just curious. I know that sometimes life jsut gets in the way of things, and people get out of the habit. Who knows.
Working lots of OT. :( Better then not thought. I found two eggs today and one yesterday. I caught Menchi laying her whitsh egg this morning, I found the first green egg last night and then when I got home I found a brown egg. Soooo all my girls are laying!!!! Finally!!!!!

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Working lots of OT. :( Better then not thought. I found two eggs today and one yesterday. I caught Menchi laying her whitsh egg this morning, I found the first green egg last night and then when I got home I found a brown egg. Soooo all my girls are laying!!!! Finally!!!!!

Woo hoo!!!

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