
Definitely I would like to be a part....................been raising all sortsof poultry/feathered treasures my entire life. Nothing I am doing or have been doing for over 40 years is new. :) Neither is raising them all as Mother Nature intended. :) All OLD news. :)

Definitely I would like to be a part....................been raising all sortsof poultry/feathered treasures my entire life. Nothing I am doing or have been doing for over 40 years is new. :) Neither is raising them all as Mother Nature intended. :) All OLD news. :)

Cool! for the listing, I need the breeds you maintain, name, farm name is any, address, phone number, email, website and any note or comments you would like added. A few pages back I posted the format idea. youcan also email me the info [email protected]

This is my 1000th posting!
Welcome to you to chickypoo! Hey - we are even closer neighbors - I live about 35 minutes from Parker.

Are you actually in Parker or outside of it?

What does it say about us that we can sit and watch our chickens for 1/2 hour (or longer!) and enjoy it so much? I'm pretty sure that it means we are very intellectual people!
30 minutes is nothing for watching chickens, especially on a warm summer evening with a good drink in your hand! We made it an art form this summer and invited friends with lawn chairs to enjoy the chicken viewing. Delightful!
We are on the Arapahoe/Douglas County border, one neighbor is Parker and the other neighbor is Aurora. We like to say that we are from Centennial! We have 2 white polish, 1 RIR, 1 Barred Rock and 1 Ameraucana. We lost one Orpington to a hawk, the other Orp to the dogs and 1 RIR to the dogs. We had them trained to protect and watch the girls but when one of the hens came into the garage (dog territory) it was over, they got the taste of chicken. We are retraining them to refrain!
Awesome! Thanks wsmith. I think I had the bird cooking on medium in the crock pot. And no, I didn't let it rest before freezing. All these years I never knew this. I was afraid to butcher after the hens stopped laying for fear of having chicken jerky. Unfortunately the extra roosters ended up killing each other because I kept them so long and the hens died of old age. Not good when the price of feed has gotten so high. But with the times as they are, everything now has its place. And the meat really does override anything the markets can offer. Your answers will be taped to my refrigerator door!
Had to reply on this, because I was worried about a rooster we butchered a few weeks ago myself. He went to freezer camp only about a month ago. Earlier in the year we butchered a rooster that was about 4-5 months old, fried him up that night, very tough and stringy.....learned that's too old for a fryer. The most recent butcher was the same age at the first (by the time of butcher about 6 months) and I decided to crock pot him. He was in the crock pot for about 12 hours, then cooled and put into chicken and dumplings....OH MY, so good, so much flavor, very tender and yummy. He was an EE. My guess is your cochin will make a very nice dinner. Enjoy!

Thanks, marlo. I also added dumplings to mine and it was awesome. I'm really sensitive to certain food textures and this 6 mo old cochin rooster made me pause, so I had to make sure I was doing everything right. Unfortunately my husband is a major procrastinator. So getting him to butcher the birds for me younger than 6 mos is more work than plucking the outcome. I've still got 5 cochin roos waiting to be done and they're now 7-8 mos old. Wsmith offered great suggestions that I'll try. Gives me a bit more hope for late butchering.
Definitely I would like to be a part....................been raising all sortsof poultry/feathered treasures my entire life. Nothing I am doing or have been doing for over 40 years is new. :) Neither is raising them all as Mother Nature intended. :) All OLD news. :)


Doc, any way we could get you to post pics of the chickens you have for sale right now? I have thought about Swedish Flower Hens off and on, and I love Sussex. I know others here may be interested in the Isbars and etc. as well. Do you ever have predator issues with white chickens where you are?

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