
I just caught up too. Got terribly sick a few weeks ago and spent a lot of time in bed - the dr said it wasn't the flu but it still kept me out of commission for about a week and a half. Wendell, I'm glad to hear the cranky rooster tasted good! I would have come over last weekend but our house was a mess from almost a month of no cleaning at all. We're talking about possibly doing meaties next year. It would probably be me doing the processing since he gets attached. I love our layers as pets but if I started out thinking of the chicks as food from the beginning it wouldn't be too bad. The price of humanely raised meat is just so high that the only feasible options are to either buy the cheap stuff and not think about it, or raise our own. The first option is getting harder to deal with...
I am in exactly the same place with the prospect of raising meaties. If I order chicks from certain sellers in spring we will have extra roos without a doubt, and my current position is as yours - if we are going to eat chicken that I can afford to buy, we would be better off raising our own. Still working on it, and of course would then have to build housing, but it's my understanding housing for meaties is far simpler than that for layers or breeders. Only having them 2 months or so adds to the practicality of it. 25 would certainly suffice for a year, only the two of us here now that Bill is off at school and then (hopefully) working and having his own place. We have no processing equipment or experience, so I would have to either pay a processor, or raise 50, and have one of our forum mates process all in exchange for half the meat, or something along those lines - and if I did that would probably be better off doing two sets of 25 - smaller housing needs.

This is the time of year I do a lot of calculating in my head and planning and supposing and trying to crunch numbers - for the last 10 years it's been strictly regarding the garden, and I must say it is a treat to be back to including chickens in the calculations (dreams). I actually awaken with pictures in my head of how to set up future projects. It is so so SO much better than a year ago when I awoke with visions of not finishing papers on time LOL. My degree may never get me anything past knowing I finally accomplished it, but at least I accomplished something. So it took me 35 years, so what? :)
We had attended the Nebraska State Poultry Association show in Lincoln the past weekend. Really enjoyed visiting with the other attendees. Show had 900 birds in a nice facility plus a craft show & antique show in nearby buildings.
Egyptian goose--very pretty
Light Brahma roo--just humungous!!
Large fowl and sale area
Silver laced seabright

Waterfowl and other bantams
Bantam speckled sussex

My silkie pullet earned Best of Breed!
Trophy plaques

Congratulations! And I must agree that is a VERY neat looking goose!
Wow, that's awesome, thanks for sharing that info. Do you have to call ahead to let them know what you're coming for or do they keep it in stock?

Sure no problemo. Yes you do have to call but they will have it ready within two days.

Wendell and anyone else ill be in Greeley within the next few weeks. If you want me to pick it up and meet you in the Denver metro area I can do that too since Im always there several times a week.
This was what a 24 week old Dominique rooster looks like after cooking for 3 hours at 300*. Laying in a bed of rice with mushrooms, bacon, onion and celery, he was given a good dose of thyme, sage, paprika, salt and pepper before roasting. He had rested in the fridge for 2 days after butchering before freezing. Here are our observations: From Heather- Juicy and yummy! From Beth-the breast white meat was moist and tender. Eric-GOOD! David-nice dark meat and tasted good. Hannah said it tasted and looked like chicken.... My take? This was one of the best chickens I have eaten. Fantastic texture and flavor, very moist and juicy. It's flavor reminded me a little of turkey.... Cooked inside the enamelled roasting pan, it browned nicely and didn't need to be taken to a high temp to get the nice color. Can't wait to eat another one!

Wow! That looks awesome! Thanks for sharing.
 Yes, Greeley is by far better. Here is the break down. I called all over to get pricing just a few weeks ago so they may have changed a bit, hopefully not by much.
I ferment my feed so it doesn't matter to me if its crumbled or pellet it all looks like a mash in the end.

Layer Pellets: $13.50 50 lbs

Hen Scratch: $13.25 50 lbs
Wheat: $22.00 100 lbs

Flaked oats: $13.50 50 lbs
Cracked Corn: $22.00 100 lbs
They DO NOT offer layer crumbles, chick stater or broiler feed.

Greeley: bulk feed is 500 lbs minimum with $14 tote deposit just bring back the tote & they don't charge you that fee again. All the 50 lbs figures are bagged feed and there is no minimum just the 100 lbs.
Layer mash 16%: $23.14 per 100 lbs

Layer pellet/crumble: $13.84 50 lbs

Hen Scratch: $10.63 50 lbs or $17.58 per 100 lbs

Chicken starter non-medicated: $29.17 per 100 lbs

Broiler feed 20%: $16.89 50 lbs or $29.17 per 100 lbs
Cracked Corn: $21.56 per 100 lbs
What I like about them is when I asked about a chick starter they said they would have the nutritionist call me back. She asked me about how much protein I wanted in it. If I wanted any grains in it. Everything will come non-medicated unless you ask that it be medicated. We also purchase our grain here for our horses too.

If anyone needs help in your area with pricing I'd be happy to do the research and make some calls.

Is this, by any chance, organic? The feed we use now is organic, corn free and soy free. I love it, but it's certainly more expensive! I don't really have anything against corn but I will only buy it if it's organic (too much GMO corn out there!)!

What's the difference between mash, pellets and crumble? Our feed is all seeds and grains, looks like bird seed. I really haven't used anything else so I'm unfamiliar with what the other options are. We live in Loveland and drive to Boulder to get our feed. Greeley would be closer. :)

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