Comparing quail sizes

Culling the eggs - so your setting 13 to 16 gram eggs for the most part maybe up to 18 but not over 18 - is that right?
Well , that's what I will go with the James Marie Jumbo. Now getting Robbie on the phone will be my next chore.
What happened to spring in Texas it feels like July.
Culling the eggs - so your setting 13 to 16 gram eggs for the most part maybe up to 18 but not over 18 -  is that right?
Well , that's what I will go with the James Marie Jumbo. Now getting Robbie on the phone will be my next chore.
What happened to spring in Texas it feels like July.

I know, we are so dry already, it's going to be a hot dry summer.
I set 13-17gm eggs, sometimes some 18 if they are not to round that I think they are not a double yoke. I usually can tell by how they fit in the gqf quail egg trays, before I even bother with the scale. I had to make spacers so I can double stack my trays in the incubator without the eggs having to much pressure on them.
Your second generation has been bigger at 5 &6 weeks than from the original egg hatch - That proves what you have been doing is working.
I'm going to get a rotary tool and notch these racks out to be on the safe side. I've read on this form some people using chicken racks, that seems to big to me.{ I could be wrong}
When I get in touch with Robbie I'll give you a up date on what is happening.
I just set over 90 eggs, a mix of JMF and CL eggs. Will probably set another incubator full in a couple days when some turkey eggs come out. I have to get going on the quails again because have several people on a waiting list and I'm down to only three packages of quail in the freezer, lol.
I did do an experiment with this batch, I pressure canned the quail. I was able to just fit 2- 2 1/2 quail per pint jar and processed at 10 pounds of pressure for 65 minutes. Opened a test jar last night and the texture and flavor was amazing. Should make some excellent lunch meat for sandwiches.

My first post - was that cold pack? Details? This is precisely what I'm hoping to do....
Yes it was cold pack. Just butchered like I normally do, snipping out the backbone gutting them. Left everything else intact and shoved them whole into pint jars. Added 1/4 tsp salt per jar and about one inch of water to the bottom because I wasn't sure how much natural broth the quail would make. I have a old hand me down canner with an ancient instruction book and it actually had guidelines for game birds. Went with the 10 pounds of pressure for 65 minutes for pints. I'm sure for quarts you would have to go longer. After eating a couple jars now I think the next batch I will try snipping out the ribs too before processing. The bigger bones are no problem picking out but the ribs are annoying. Very juicy and flavorful eating though. Will be putting another 60-75 eggs in my second incubator today or tomorrow. Need to start stocking my freezer and pantry back up.
Here is a picture of the canned quail and a picture of how much meat you can obtain off one can of quail compared to the bones left. I think this allowed me to get more meat of a quail then any other cooking method so far. Btw, quail sandwiches are delicious ;)


Hi all, been a while since I've had a chance to do some updates here but finally had a free day today to do some weigh ins and comparisons. I have lost or culled a few hens in the last six months and am down to one pen each of the original JMF and CL birds as well as a pen of JMF-F1 birds who are laying. I did a weigh in on the original birds to see how their weights have held up since they will be exactly one year old in a few more days. I was pleasantly surprised to see overall only a 3gram overall average drop in the JMF birds and actually a 13g gain in the CL birds. The feathers on the backs of all the hens are roughed up but body condition and feet condition are in good shape.

The JMF birds are still laying nice large well colored eggs nearly everyday. I have noticed a drop in the egg size and coloring of the CL hens.

I have the weights of my F1 generation in the JMF birds and am very happy with them. Good strong birds and laying big eggs. Fertility check this week was almost 100% if disregarded the cracked eggs.

I am trying to decide if I want to keep going with the two separate lines or go to all JMF birds just to make this easy. I have some CL eggs in the incubator now that I may keep separated until I make that decision.

Six month:
JMF hens range (280-361g) average: 313.9g 11.2 oz
One year:
JMF hen range (290g-343g) average: 310.5g. 11oz

Six month:
CL hen range (280-308g) average: 290g 10.3 oz
One year:
CL hen range (283g-332g) average: 303g 10.8 oz

JMF-F1 four month old:
JMF-f1 hen range (293g- 353g) average: 330g 11.7oz
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I am also Finding that culling like a mad women and keeping the Bigger birds with good boning has mad my birds a little bigger

But also have to say at first i could not get the right food for them

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