Comparing quail sizes

Well my JMF XLD birds are now 7 weeks. I weighed all the males (63), average was 225g, ranged from 198-261g. Kept 13 that weighed 240-261g with average of 248g. All the others are already in the freezer. Next week hope to go through all the hens, weigh and cull. Don't know how many I will keep for breeders until weighed. Getting a lot of eggs for 7 week olds, gathered at least 3 dozen from the two large grow out pens tonight, some really huge too.
I didn't get 7 week weights on my JMF quail. Because it was tooooo cooold! Brrr!

Was going to skip 8 week today, but braved the cold and got it done! I've had trouble keeping their water thawed even with heat lamps in the sub zero temps we're having.

Still had some good weights, including my huge huge JMF A&M hen 8 weeks 405 grams (that's over 14-1/4 ounces)! My largest A&M cock was 363 grams (over 12-3/4 ounces).

You guys must train your quail to sit on the scales!!
I didn't get 7 week weights on my JMF quail. Because it was tooooo cooold! Brrr! Was going to skip 8 week today, but braved the cold and got it done! I've had trouble keeping their water thawed even with heat lamps in the sub zero temps we're having. Still had some good weights, including my huge huge JMF A&M hen 8 weeks 405 grams (that's over 14-1/4 ounces)! My largest A&M cock was 363 grams (over 12-3/4 ounces).
Wow, nice size quail! I have not been able to get any new weights on my crew. I went on vacation for a few weeks and then since I've been back we have been having unusually cold weather. I have been very happy with how well the jumbos are tolerating the cold. We have been in single digits or below zero for a week and all of the quail are holding up well despite no additional heat. I have added a layer of hay to the bottoms of the cages and having to replace frozen waterers on all six cages of quail, three cages of rabbits, and the chicken coop three times a day. I am really hoping things start warming up soon because all this extra work is making my days over 14 hours long with working full time and dealing with keeping up with watering. The girls are still laying great even in the cold weather. I have done a large hatch out of my jumbos, I set 105 eggs and had 81 hatch. This hatch is approaching two weeks old and I hope to have time to do some spot weights on them soon,
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Quote: Reeds I live 5 miles from the beach Lots of snow and 15F thats like UM never happened here before , Looking at Property close to you yet in cali . DID you email or message me about eggs ?
If so i lost your phone number and have a Question. The babes here are doing awesome so exciting had to help one go to heaven so sad ........................
Reeds I live 5 miles from the beach Lots of snow and 15F thats like UM never happened here before , Looking at Property close to you yet in cali . DID you email or message me about eggs ? 
If so i lost your phone number and have a Question. The babes here are doing awesome so exciting had to help one go to heaven so sad ........................ 

I don't think I had any messages from you Tammy. If so please send them again. I'm not trying to hatch any thing the last two weeks. We have had some below zero temps and while the quail are holding up fine the eggs have been freezing and splitting. I plan to butcher out a set of chicks from my jumbos today. I suspect their weights a subpar due to the extreme weather but I've got to make room in the large grow out pen for the 70 chicks I have in brooders in the house.

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