Complicated Situation


7 Years
Mar 6, 2014
I have a rather complicated situation and looking for some advice... Not even sure this is the proper thread... I had a hen go broody so I let her sit on 10 eggs. we had 5 that hatched and she was doing well. Within a couple days we purchased 6 pullets hoping for adoption... she adopted some but pecked at 2 buffs. It was pretty bad so I pulled them away and put them in a cage... Now the mama hen is taking the little ones out and I still have 2 that I'd like to keep but not sure what to do... any advice would be appreciated... hatch was June 14 and adoption attempt was June 17... she took 3 in and one died so there are 2 left.
I agree with Cyprus. If your broody won't accept the chicks you would have to raise them in a brooder or rehome them if you would prefer that your hen does all of the raising.
When you introduced the new chicks did you put them under her wings at night or during the day?
All of the above are doable, so you have a lot of options. If you do try adoption again, just make sure you try it at night -late, so mama is good and sleepy.

Good luck, and keep us posted!
Hello...I understand your thought process as it's what has been posted a million times. Although you can't trick a Chicken. I have a Hen who's Silkie Chicks were 6 weeks and I bought 10 Speckled Sussex Chicks from the hatchery that were crying nonstop so brought in my Hen and she then raised those. Then another Hen hatched Chicks and she tried to steel them too..Once in Momma mode they generally are Docile to all babies..
I appreciate all the tips... I have been brooding separately but thats what I'm trying to avoid. Mama is taking her little ones out and teaching them to hunt and peck. We free range so I am hoping for a more natural approach... I think I'm going to try to reintroduce... P.S. Mama has been grumpy since going broody lol
thanks again I will keep you all posted .. hopefully with a good report
I appreciate all the tips... I have been brooding separately but thats what I'm trying to avoid. Mama is taking her little ones out and teaching them to hunt and peck. We free range so I am hoping for a more natural approach... I think I'm going to try to reintroduce... P.S. Mama has been grumpy since going broody lol
thanks again I will keep you all posted .. hopefully with a good report

Good luck! I hope it goes well! :fl

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