compost bin

Just turn it every other day. Sounds like too much Nitrogen (Green). Keep it turning and let it run real hot. It will not smell for long. Next time add some more Carbon (Brown). Leaves Pine needles, bark chips, brown cardboard, old paper egg cartons, shavings from the coop. and so on.

What could possibly be a more renewable resource than wood shavings? Know if those shavings are something like old growth Redwood, that is another story, but if they are Aspen or something like that.. That sure is pretty enviro friendly..

Of course wood shavings are renewable....What was I thinking?!? DUH! I guess I typed my response before I put my thinking cap on.
I should really get more sleep before I respond on line.
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I interpreted that to mean that it takes longer for a pine tree to grow than a hemp plant. I don't know if there is a difference between medicinal hemp and the kind used to make rope, clothes and shavingst etc. but I do know it grows faster than a tree! That is why bamboo is considered to be such a green choice for flooring because it grows so fast.
Thanks AMARIE that is what I meant to say....Here is the product description I had read right before I typed my response. •It is not bleached and no chemicals are added at any stage of its growth, so producing a 'green' product which is full recyclable into useful compost.
•Hemp is also fast-growing and fully sustainable.
SORRY angels4!
My error, I thought we were talking about a wood product, I did not click the link until this morning. We are talking about hemp bedding... (Duh..on my part..

amarie, thanks for clarifying...


It is my understanding industrial hemp has very little to do with the medical stuff, as they both have been bread and developed for different purposes. Yes I too feel industrial hemp bedding like in the link would be a very green very sustainable solution.

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No apologies required ON, my initial response was not very clear (not to mention all the spelling errors) besides the green aspect and the sustainability of hemp bedding, I understand the asorbency of the product is great, making it possible to maintain moisture levels within the coop. I guess the US thinks I might want to "put that in my pipe and smoke it" and that is why it isn't available here.
Going back to the compost issue, throwing some cheap garden lime in there once in awhile can help with the breakdown and smell.
Yes indeed it will!!! Very good idea.. One just needs to be careful because high rates of lime will convert ammonium-nitrogen to ammonia gas, which in turn will lead to the loss of nitrogen from the pile.

This seems to be a good read: Also talks about the ideal 30 parts brown to 1 part green ratio, and the ammonia smell if you get lower that 25 parts brown...
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