compound fracture of young pullet wing - Amputate?


Mar 24, 2022
Indiana, USA
I have a young 8 week old pullet who has just started spending her first few nights outside. Today I go to feed them their dinner and notice this young lady dragging her right wing. Further examination reveals that it's a clean compound fracture with the bone sticking through the skin. It looks like she may have been stepped on by one of the horses. The wind is just hanging by a tendon at this point, the break is above the joint. My immediate thought is to amputate and then disinfect and wrap with a piece of gauze and put a tube sock over her until she heals and can either go back outside as a one winged chicken or wind up as a house hen. None of the local vets will touch chickens so I'm on my own... Any advice?
I have a young 8 week old pullet who has just started spending her first few nights outside. Today I go to feed them their dinner and notice this young lady dragging her right wing. Further examination reveals that it's a clean compound fracture with the bone sticking through the skin. It looks like she may have been stepped on by one of the horses. The wind is just hanging by a tendon at this point, the break is above the joint. My immediate thought is to amputate and then disinfect and wrap with a piece of gauze and put a tube sock over her until she heals and can either go back outside as a one winged chicken or wind up as a house hen. None of the local vets will touch chickens so I'm on my own... Any advice?
I’m not sure if I can help personally, but pics will help the people who might know what to do.

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