Condensation on Incubator Window...Is it Bad??

I wish you had gotten your answers 3 years ago! Lol, I’m facing this right now and searching for answers too
I am having this issue with my quail. Can you tell me what you did and if it worked out?


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I think it was too cold in my house . I had to start closing me bathroom door. There is no a/c in there and my window unit in my room was keeping it cold
It is currently 70° in my house. The room they are in has no fan or A/C going. I am on oxygen at night and the machine is in that room so it does get warmer when it's on. Should I wipe the condensation off or leave it alone? While doing research I get 2 different answers. I have never raised birds of any sort let alone incubated them. This is my 1st time ever and now I feel overwhelmed
If your window is on top I put a rag over the window and then the condensation stops. The reason the condensation is because outside the bator is cooler so the condensation forms with the rag it acts like insulation and keeps the window the same temperature so condensation doesn’t form

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