Confused about what to feed

I love stormcrow. I sit up a little taller when reading your input. BYC is lucky to have you. I feel lucky to have you here too. Thank you so much. Carry on. šŸ“ā¤ļø

I used to joke (only a little) that my ego is so big my employers had to put double doors on the building so I could bring it in with me. You aren't helping any.

I'm no expert, just a guy who has read a little on a lot, and communicates with confidence - sometimes in memorable fashion.

Have a great day, and remember, I'm best in moderation, possibly with a bit of salt. I try, but mistakes ARE made. Regretfully human.
I used to joke (only a little) that my ego is so big my employers had to put double doors on the building so I could bring it in with me. You aren't helping any.

I'm no expert, just a guy who has read a little on a lot, and communicates with confidence - sometimes in memorable fashion.

Have a great day, and remember, I'm best in moderation, possibly with a bit of salt. I try, but mistakes ARE made. Regretfully human.
Your still so cool in my opinion and your super smart about a lot, so, Thanks!
From a metabolic standpoint, pretty much everything chickens eat is converted into component chemicals, such as amino acids and simple sugars before being built back into bones, feathers, meat and eggs. That being said, soy in itself should not be a concern and as said before, it provides key aminos acids needed by chickens that are hard to come by in a vegetarian feed. Concerns about pesticides and herbicides genetically modified components used in growing the feed are certainly valid and if it's worth the extra cost of non-GMO or Organic feed to you, then buy it. Just make sure it's a high quality feed (Organic doesn't automatically mean high nutritional quality). Do shop around and read the label. Most of the house brands are made by major feed producers like Nutrena/Cargill and Purina.

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