Confused... hatchling wry neck?


5 Years
May 21, 2018
San Andreas, CA
Hi all...
I'm on day 21 of incubating a mixed batch of chicken eggs, 4 remaining to hatch of 15 when this happened...
I noticed at about 4 hours after a barbezieux egg pipped and zipped, she just stopped. I could see her moving, she was cheeping loudly like something was wrong. I was afraid of humidity swing affecting the other eggs, so at 6 hoursish after her zip, I added more water to the bator, and with warm wet washcloths, helped her out. I had to fully assist, as she wouldn't break free of her egg. There was no blood, she looks healthy besides this wierd neck thing. She keeps bending her head into her abdomen, almost forcefully, and draws up the left foot to her face, then kicks hard multiple times. Almost like she thinks she is in the egg? But it seems neurological, like a tic. Wry neck seems to make them look upwards... shes looking down and her leg is pulled up... is that the same as wry neck, maybe a hatchling version?
It's been about ten hours now, shes fully fluffed out, with no change. I took the attached pic before attempting to treat her...
I have a poultry water electrolyte that also has a bit of sugar in it, I gave her a few drops from my finger. She readily swallowed it herself, and seems more relaxed when I hold her upright. Then I made a tiny body-brace out of egg carton and string, just a little rectangle strapped to her abdomen-lower neck, to protect her from kicking herself, and maybe support her a little. Shes very energetic, cheeps and kicks and flaps her wings constantly, shes calmed only a little since I put the "brace" on and turned off the light.
Any ideas of what this might be, or has anyone seen something similar? This is my second incubator hatch, I'm utterly clueless.... any and all advise is greatly appreciated.
Thanks ahead,
This is the "brace"... its loose, so when she rolls it shifts a bit, but so far has stayed on. I'm afraid of cutting off circulation, shes so tiny, but it seems to help... her leg cant reach her face, shes more relaxed, still cheeping and kicking... if this is a terrible idea please say so :oops: this is totally new to me, I'm just trying to help her....
This is the "brace"... its loose, so when she rolls it shifts a bit, but so far has stayed on. I'm afraid of cutting off circulation, shes so tiny, but it seems to help... her leg cant reach her face, shes more relaxed, still cheeping and kicking... if this is a terrible idea please say so :oops: this is totally new to me, I'm just trying to help her....
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I had a chick like that recently. She was an assist hatch that had ruptured a blood vessel whilst pipping. I got her out, but she was very weak, and all that she wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep.
I boiled the jug, filled a hot water bottle, and covered the hot water bottle with a blanket. I secured the chick in such a way that she couldn't curl back up. And, believe or not, she made a miraculous recovery from a horrendously weak assist hatch to a healthy young pullet!
Best of luck to you, hopefully she can recover, I'll be praying :)
I had a chick like that recently. She was an assist hatch that had ruptured a blood vessel whilst pipping. I got her out, but she was very weak, and all that she wanted to do was curl up and go to sleep.
I boiled the jug, filled a hot water bottle, and covered the hot water bottle with a blanket. I secured the chick in such a way that she couldn't curl back up. And, believe or not, she made a miraculous recovery from a horrendously weak assist hatch to a healthy young pullet!
Best of luck to you, hopefully she can recover, I'll be praying :)
Aw that's awesome. Thank you for the hope! I decided I'm going to use my incubator as a hospital brooder, so theres good control over her temp and humidity. Shes still able to curl up a bit, but it doesn't seem like she wants to, I think I'll try a different method of "bracing" in a few hours...
Thanks again! :fl:fl:caf
This morning shes doing better, her neck is more straight and shes trying to stand, but she keeps bringing that foot up and kicking her face. Still giving her the supplement every 3 hours with water drops. I took off the brace, and made a small runway with the hatching rails from my janoel bator. The rails are helping her stand upright, I think it's working?
Quick update, in case anybody else has the same experience...
I didn't need the polyvisol after all :) the water supplement probably helped the most. She was crawling straight over the rails, but then curled up again, so I held her in my hand and helped her stand up for about an hour. Then I put her in my mini brinsea incubator at 90F, and scattered food on the floor. She figured out how to stand and keep her balance, it seemed like the food caught her interest so she put more effort into it. A few hours in there, and she was doing wobbly laps, so I put her in the brooder with the rest. Shes still a bit weaker, but she hatched a day after the others, shes slowly catching up to them :) Shes just my little late bloomer :love thanks again Feather Hearts !!

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