

Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
This little chick has me confused.

When it was little I thought for sure it was a cockerel because it and a couple other chicks grew incredibly fast and nearly doubled in size quite rapidly, looked massive compared to the other chicks, and it had a very wide comb and thick legs, and I thought for sure it was a boy.

I had my eyes on this one and a few others from day one.

Well, now 3 of the others are confirmed males, as I suspected all along, and this little one still has me stumped...

When it started feathering in more, the feathers came in in what I thought was a female specific pattern??? A couple of my EE hens look extremely similar.

But it has 3 rows of peas which I thought was male specific? Although I have recently heard it is not?

It also has red coming in on its wings and back and a very rusty chest.

But seems to have rounded neck feathers.

So now he (or she) has me very, very confused.

I guess I will just have to wait and see???

This chick turned 6 weeks old on Friday which I know is still very young but the other males are extremely obvious and have been for weeks so I was hoping this one would be too. I hatched them myself. This one is the only EE.

DF377BEC-03A7-4CFF-AF4B-53CA5C4F9DD6.jpeg A0FC0FD3-769B-456A-B330-F4AB3016F22F.jpeg 4171807F-F966-4869-BC5F-E81C272610DC.jpeg EE2457A7-D54E-4073-94BF-A9C6E20211DD.jpeg EB589E7C-1A96-48F2-A877-3537A4A1F5CE.jpeg 86AE62C8-4E1E-45BB-B8F4-BE72444D1C9A.jpeg BA874B7E-C0F1-420B-80F1-39E9D250ABDE.jpeg 70EE435C-1223-451D-A226-8351B11635C5.jpeg 73E5B3C8-0058-47AB-9626-CCD73FC2A010.jpeg

ETA: Pics of the other chicks later in thread. Looking like lots of boys but hopefully I’m wrong!? :hit
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8 Cockerels, 1 pullet.
The Red one on the far left is the only Pullet.

Do you really think I have 8 boys!? :hit

I hope not. :hit

I thought for sure the Buff Orpington (yellow one on right) was a girl too? Very small comb and still very pale/flesh colored. Wouldn’t it have color by now? I do think I ended up with a lot of boys though. :hit

Is this EE for sure a boy? :hit

I definitely have at least 3 boys for sure but I probably have waaaaaaayyyyyyy more than that. :hit
Do you really think I have 8 boys!? :hit

I hope not. :hit

I thought for sure the Buff Orpington (yellow one on right) was a girl too? Very small comb and still very pale/flesh colored. Wouldn’t it have color by now? I do think I ended up with a lot of boys though. :hit

Is this EE for sure a boy? :hit

I definitely have at least 3 boys for sure but I probably have waaaaaaayyyyyyy more than that. :hit
Yes, the EE is a boy. A better look at the buff might help me determine for sure it's gender.
Looks like 3 pullets and 5 cockerels to me. The 2 far right and the 1 far left, foreground all looks like pullets to me.

Thank you! I hope that is the case because it would really suck if I got all boys. :( I do think I have quite a few though. :(

There’s actually 9 chicks total but might be hard to see all of them in that pic cause some blend in but do you think there are 6 boys? :hmm
I'm thinking you have at least six cockerels.... could you get more close up pictures of the one on the far left and the two on the far right? Those first pictures of the EE, it really does have a huge comb...

That’s what I was afraid of. :(

And sure!! I’ll go get some now. I’m pretty sure the one on the left is a girl because it’s the same breed as one of the definite boys. They are both Welsummers and that one has a very small, pale comb still and female coloration. But all the rest I’m really not sure on. :(

And yeah, the comb is absolutely huge right!? That’s why I thought boy but the feather pattern/coloration is really throwing me off.

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