cockerel or pullet

  1. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Is this a Cockerel or Pullet? Hmmm 🤔

    Hello Chicken Fam! So I ordered my chicks from Cackle Hatchery, their City Town Special- 3 where I can order 3 of the breeds they offer, and I bought an Easter Egger, Blue laced Wyandotte and a Silver Laced Wyandotte. Well, I ordered 3 and received an extra Silver Laced Wyandotte. From the very...
  2. T

    Thorin confuses me...

    This is Thorin, the 18 week old EE. Thorin confuses me. S/he has never crowed or danced, but also is much more standoffish than his hatch mates that are hens... He is not colored like any of the other EEs i have either, hen or roo.... So.... Cockerel or pullet?
  3. Jlmiller5289

    What breed and gender? 5-6 weeks

    This was a chick that was given to me by a neighbor who didn’t want him/her. Some breed ideas have been thrown around but I was wondering what breed it looks to be now? Also what gender does everyone think he/she is? Age estimated at almost 6 weeks old. TIA!
  4. K

    6 week old Black Australorp hen or roo?

  5. Winchikn

    Pullets or Cockerels? Key for integration!

    I have five, 8-week olds with momma in a run adjacent to the rest of my flock. Broody hen is DONE with the rowdy teenagers and wants back with the flock... But I fear there is only one pullet in the batch and don't want to leave that one to be integrated on it's own in a couple of weeks. So -...
  6. LCsAChickenLover


    Still hoping I am wrong but today Nina’s 3.5 week old EE comb is looking awfully pink to me I think I see reddish feathers coming in on the neck/shoulders too, but not sure if this the same male feather trait I’ve seen mentioned in other threads?
  7. tpatricco

    Lavender Cochins - Cockerel or Pullet - 11-12 weeks old

    First time with Cochins. I was hoping for pullets. Out of a batch of 7 chicks, 2 Wyandottes are definitely cockerels. This morning, I caught one of my lavender cochins crowing too. Trouble is I have two, and they look very similar, so I'd like those more knowledgeable to weigh in and...
  8. A

    Pullet or cockerel? Rhode Island Red, 5 months old.

    Hello dear community, It's my first time raising chickens and first time posting here. I purchased these 7 Rhode island Red chickens and now they are about 5 months (19 weeks old). I noticed some of them have larger combs and wattle and I suspect they must be Male. Do you confirms this...
  9. eveleychook

    4-5 Week Old Chicks Gender HELP!

    I have a few chicks to which I am unsure of gender. A barred rock, aracauna, blue or splash australorp, gold laced wyandotte, silver laced wyandotte and gold laced barnevelder. Please see below images. Pingu the Australorp Sybil the SLW Goldie the GLW Beatrice the Barred Rock...
  10. eveleychook

    Pullet Or Cockerel?

    I have a 11 week old chicken, who has shown no obvious cockerel behaviour or cockerel feathering. When compared to my other 11 week old cockerels, this chicken is slower in growth has thinner legs and its comb has not grown much. Please see below pictures. Please let me know what you think...
  11. Sarah12987

    Light Brahma pullet or cockerel?

    This is Pikachu. (my daughter named him/her). I thought it was a cock but now I'm almost thinking it's a pullet. The hackle feathers are really the only tell I have at this point and nobody in my family has any idea. We got Pikachu about a week after mothers day, so he/she is about 7 weeks old...
  12. birdgirl999

    Buff Orpington - 4.5 week old Cockerel or Pullet?

    Hello all! I am brand new to raising chickens (this is my first batch) and loving it! We got 4x day old chicks and I'm starting to think that my buff orpington is a roo... Wondering if someone more experienced with this breed has any insight. I have been holding out hope that (s)he may grow...
  13. ShrekDawg

    Confusing EE/Did I end up with all boys!?

    This little chick has me confused. When it was little I thought for sure it was a cockerel because it and a couple other chicks grew incredibly fast and nearly doubled in size quite rapidly, looked massive compared to the other chicks, and it had a very wide comb and thick legs, and I thought...
  14. Clucklandia

    Pullet or Cockerel? (#2)

    Hello! I’ve got another young one that I can’t seem to tell if it’s a pullet or cockerel? Mind helping me out? :) (I was thinking cockerel at first, but now I notice, it’s saddle feathers are a little more rounded off, although it is still only a few months old)
  15. ChickenTenderKesha

    Confirm on gender please!

    Sold to me as an Ameraucana (looks like one), roughly 19 weeks old.. the tail feathers are worrying me along with my one cockerels behaviour today towards this one. S/he has a severe scissor beak so it’s difficult to know for sure as it’s harder to prune the feathers with a beak like that...
  16. Kluggie

    What breed/s and gender are these two?

    Hi all Recently we got a couple of chicks from a hatching program run out of my son's kindergarten. We have had them for about 2 months now and they are starting to get a bit bigger. I was hoping for some advice on what breed and if they are hens or roos. The website from the organisation that...
  17. Sully0721

    TS Ameraucana aka EE

    I am almost certain my 8 week old Ameraucana that I got from tractor supply, a.k.a. EE, is a cockerel. What do you guys think?
  18. J

    6 week bantam polish color and gender?

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone could tell me what coloring my fabulous 6 week old bantam polish will end up being and your guess on Cockerel or pullet? I can't see any hint of comb under all that crest! I've never had a polish before and I'm in love.
  19. AvaCabo

    Newbie living in Mexico

    Hola amigos. I stumbled upon your forum after searching endlessly about baby chicks that were given to me from my cleaning lady. I told her a few weeks ago that I wanted some backyard chickens and VOILA...she surprised me. LOL. I am clueless as to what she gifted me, Not to mention the language...
  20. MysticUniKitty

    Gender Guesstimate?

    so I rehomed two of my pullets as they were being jerks and we had peace gor about a week.... I'm starting to think i hit the roo lottery and not many of my supposed to be pullets are that! :th:he I tried to take pics today and they are awful! But wanted to see what y'all thought? The possible...
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