
Jun 1, 2022
This is Thorin, the 18 week old EE. Thorin confuses me. S/he has never crowed or danced, but also is much more standoffish than his hatch mates that are hens... He is not colored like any of the other EEs i have either, hen or roo.... So.... Cockerel or pullet?


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It seems like middle pic shows male saddle feathers. Plus, the comb looks a bit big/wide.

We have a 2yo rooster named Thorin Oakenshield!
See! The comb was the only reason I didn't just assume he is a quiet cock! These are his hatch makes, Noodle and Goldie. They all came from the same two hens, who are both EEs... Same roo daddy, a Wyandotte/Astrolorpe mix... Crazy how they can all be so very different!!!


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It seems like middle pic shows male saddle feathers. Plus, the comb looks a bit big/wide.

We have a 2yo rooster named Thorin Oakenshield!
Also, one of his hen hatch mates is my husband's favorite chicken, Gimli. Pictured with said husband. Lol.


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See! The comb was the only reason I didn't just assume he is a quiet cock! These are his hatch makes, Noodle and Goldie. They all came from the same two hens, who are both EEs... Same roo daddy, a Wyandotte/Astrolorpe mix... Crazy how they can all be so very different!!!
We just had an EE hatch 7 chicks (we didn’t discover her until a few days before hatch). Daddy is a Black Langshan. But all 7 look identical as new hatched chicks. Now 4 weeks later, they are only slightly different, varying only in one lighter, two darker, but overall they are very similar.
It seems like middle pic shows male saddle feathers.

I see them too. Yes, he's a male.

See! The comb was the only reason I didn't just assume he is a quiet cock! These are his hatch makes, Noodle and Goldie. They all came from the same two hens, who are both EEs... Same roo daddy, a Wyandotte/Astrolorpe mix... Crazy how they can all be so very different!!!
Some cockerels mature faster than others.

When you breed a chicken who is already a mix (like the father, and also many Easter Eggers), you sometimes get offspring who look very different from each other, because each inherits a different combinations of genes. If you like variety, it's really fun :) But it's also why people who want predictable chickens are happier working with purebreds.

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