Considering Foot Amputation


Mar 9, 2020
I saw lil' Pepper at work and his foot looked a bit off. I ended up taking him home and determined he had curled toe paralysis. I tried the bandaid and cardboard splits; I even ended up getting a 3d printed splint. Despite trying to correct his foot for the last 2 months he has gradually gotten worse. The toes are stiff like rigor mortis and one of them is pale and swollen.
Here he is today, he can no longer use the foot and just hops about
At this point I think the best option may be amputation. I've been looking at quite a few prosthetics for him.

Anyone who has experience with this subject: when might be the best time for the amputation? Should I wait till he's a bit older, if possible? Any post-op tips or things I should know?
I would not recommend any type of amputation. I love all my chickens, and all mine are pets, but would never subject a chicken to live a unnatural way. Just provide the best care you can, and let nature take its course.
BTW, I had one chicken go blind, after a dog attack. Took care of her for 2 years that way, until she was 11 years old. (then she crossed the Rainbow Bridge). Had to provide her separate daytime space inside cage, with food and water inside. She would not have found it if it was in large run area. At night, she slept on the coop floor, since she would not be able to maintain a position on roost, with the other hens.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :hugs
I would not recommend any type of amputation. I love all my chickens, and all mine are pets, but would never subject a chicken to live a unnatural way. Just provide the best care you can, and let nature take its course.
Domesticated animals already live "an unnatural way" and "letting nature take it's course" would mean letting them suffer and die from something highly preventable...

My chickens are kept as pets and treated better than some people treat their children. Letting them unnecessarily perish from horrible infection without considering such options would be somewhat cruel. To "provide the best care I can" would be to consider all possible treatments and the pros/cons of each.

Sources: improve a,several weeks after the surgery.”
There is a thread about a hen named Matilda who lost her foot to frostbite, and at least her toes on her other foot. The owner is taking care of her, and going to keep her happy while she walks around on her stumps.
It is possible for them to have a good life, only you will know what the best division is here.
Assuming you'd do the amputation through a vet? I would never suggest doing it without sedation. Keep us posted on how it goes!
There is a thread about a hen named Matilda who lost her foot to frostbite, and at least her toes on her other foot. The owner is taking care of her, and going to keep her happy while she walks around on her stumps.
It is possible for them to have a good life, only you will know what the best division is here.
Assuming you'd do the amputation through a vet? I would never suggest doing it without sedation. Keep us posted on how it goes!
Yes, through a vet!! I couldn't imagine the pain of having a limb removed without sedation. Luckily, I am fortunate enough to have a local vet that treats chickens
I would take him to a vet first thing, and they'll advise on when/if to amputate.

If no amputation is needed, great! If amputation is needed, well, he's already there at least!
Planning on taking him on the 4th for a consultation to see what is the best course of action for him, hopefully things go well!
I'm sure it will! If there's an amputation it'll likely be for mobility purposes -- it doesn't sound like he has an infection going on.

Actually, do you have a picture of his bum leg? The way he's holding out the leg in the video makes me think he actually may have a slipped tendon that's resulted in paralysis of the foot.

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